<p>Do the Syracuse BFA Acting students have access to vocal lessons? Are they allowed to audition (after freshman year) for the musicals? What about access to dance classes?</p>
<p>Someone mentioned Marathon…a dorm or house? Open to freshmen?</p>
<p>Do the Syracuse BFA Acting students have access to vocal lessons? Are they allowed to audition (after freshman year) for the musicals? What about access to dance classes?</p>
<p>Someone mentioned Marathon…a dorm or house? Open to freshmen?</p>
<p>BFA Acting students can take private voice lessons, but I believe there is an additional fee. They audition for all productions, both musical and non, both at Syracuse Drama and Syracuse Stage, which is the Equity theater that is affiliated with the university department. Dance classes are a bit more difficult – theoretically Acting majors can sign up for dance classes, but in reality most of the lower level classes are filled with MT majors. If an Acting student could qualify for a more advanced level, chances are he/she would be able to sign up.</p>
<p>Marathon is an off-campus house. Syracuse requires on-campus living for 2 years. Sometimes drama students are able to get permission to live off-campus during sophomore year. </p>
<p>My D is a junior MT student – feel free to PM me if you have any more specific questions about the program.</p>
<p>Marathon House is not official from a university sense. It is a house where SU drama majors have lived for at least the past 18 - 20 years. Usually seniors and juniors because freshman and sophomores live on campus. Great old house near Thornden Park. Lots of the parties are often held there. It is a very cool tradition.</p>
<p>onstage, correct me if I am wrong, but I understand that it is not unusual for a BFA acting student to get cast in a musical. My D told me (freshman MT) that one of the students who was cast in the Syracuse Stage (professional) production of Godspell (running this month) is a BFA/Acting student. I thought she was an incredibly talented singer and could not believe she was not an MT student when my D told me. I would never have known otherwise – the rest of the students who were cast alongside the professionals were MT students.</p>
<p>You’re right, Newbie. As I mentioned in post #2, acting students do audition for all productions and are frequently cast in musicals, both in Syracuse Stage and Syracuse Drama. In last year’s Sweeney Todd, the title role was played by an acting student.</p>
<p>Thanks for all the info, nice to have such first hand accounts!! My dd’s audition is on Saturday…</p>
<p>All the best to her, MamaBear! We’ll be sending good wishes her way!</p>
<p>Hi, MamaBear—My son is also auditioning in NY on Saturday (Tomorrow!) for MT. This will be his first audition. My husband is taking him (unfortunately, I can’t make tomorrow). Any advice you’ve gotten that can be shared? I’ve helped my son to organize his music binder/monologue pieces, and double-checked that he has his headshot, resume, etc. I feel like once he gets in this first Audition maybe my husband and I will feel less stressed! Just trying to make sure he’s packing everything (including snacks, water, dance clothing, etc. seems overwhelming). As a planning Mom I feel like since I won’t be there I need to know he’s got everything under control!!! Do you know if there will be anything new for parents? We went this summer and spoke to people in the department … my husband doesn’t really want to do the tour again! Ok-- if you wwould like to e-mail me back, maybe we can “talk” — Best of luck to your daughter! My son’s name is Adam …he is slated for the AM session. Adam’s Mom — Maril on the CC site</p>
<p>Are you auditioning in Syracuse or NYC?</p>
<p>Hi —In NYC Maril</p>
<p>Hi Maril…break a leg to your son for tomorrow! My dd is actually auditioning in Los Angeles so we’ll have to compare notes, though she is going for acting and not MT. Obviously they will have different staff people at the 2 locations.</p>
<p>Maril – I sent you an email.</p>
<p>A quick report on the LA audition:</p>
<p>There were 3 people there from SU: Timothy Davis-Reed for the monologues, Rebecca Karpoff for the singing portion and Kim Hale for dance. They gave a very informative session on the drama dept. with Q&A. There were 2 students helping run the auditions and they were also a wealth of information. It was well run and a great first audition!</p>
<p>Glad it went well. Rebecca is my daughter’s voice teacher, and is head of the MT vocal department – she’s terrific and very knowledgable.</p>
<p>Well, I guess I should join the discussion here, taking my daughter up from Pittsburgh to the auditions next weekend. This will be her first BFA audition of the year ( she did the Muhlenberg audition in Nov, but not an actual audition day, per se…)</p>
<p>Was wondering if anyone knows of anything “theater related” is going on in syracuse on Friday the 16th? I’ve usually tried to schedule all her visits to colleges around times when the drama depts had a musical or play scheduled, but I see SU doesn’t have any of their main shows going on, guess it’s too early in the term…</p>
<p>any suggestions of things we might do Friday night(the 16th) that might be SU drama related would be greatly appreciated!</p>
<p>It does not look like there are any Syracuse Stage or Syracuse Drama shows playing next weekend unfortunately. I also checked the Black Box Players’ schedule and it’s also too early for their show.</p>
<p>My recommendation would be to call the department and ask if they allow prospective students to attend a rehearsal (I think the drama department might be beginning rehearsals for The Way of the World) or ask if you and your D can observe an acting or MT rep class – or even a dance class during the day (after the audition).</p>
<p>It’s unusual that nothing is yet playing … between the Stage and the school, you can usually find something. I think it’s just too early. I would also check the music department though I know that’s not the same. Perhaps there is a concert or a capella group performance though again, probably unlikely due the students just getting back from Christmas break.</p>
<p>Spring semester classes don’t begin until next Monday. Currently students are back at school and in rehearsal for the first production, The Way of the World, which is scheduled for the first 2 weeks of February. Sometimes there are black box productions or cabarets, but since students have been on vacation since mid-December, I don’t know if anything is scheduled for Jan. 16. If you would like to get the most up-to-date info, send me a PM and I will ask my D to get in touch with you.</p>
<p>Thanks for the replies!</p>
<p>Hello everyone. I was accepted into the BFA Acting program at SU and am entering next month in August for Fall 2013! I’m very excited. I know SU has great opportunities such as studying abroad in London and performing at the Shakespeare Globe theatre, and also the Tepper Semester in NYC, but other than those two, do SU performers get good exposure to professionals in the business?</p>