BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@speezagmom I’m sure that you can buy them at the door but also they should put them on the website. It just usually isn’t up until a couple weeks before the show. I’m still waiting for them to activate the link for the song and dance show that is in 2 weeks!

@speezagmom - where is the performance being held? If it’s at the Manhattan Center or the Madison Theatre, I strongly suggest that you get tickets. If it’s at the little theater on campus, it’s not necessary.

@speezagmom - FYI the tickets for the Song & Dance show on Oct 19 & 20 just went live today. I wouldn’t expect tickets for the Story Theatre project to be live for at least a couple of weeks, maybe even longer considering the timing of the Song & Dance.

Thanks, @waitingforlife ! That’s super helpful. I’ll start trying again a couple of weeks before the performances.

Hello cc family! I had a question for our veteran CAP parents here: Do you have recommendations for how to go about finding an apartment for junior and senior year? Recommendations of best neighborhoods, rental companies, or rental brokers? I think @EastchesterMom or someone had mentioned Nooklyn?? Anyway, my D and a few of her classmates are just starting this process and they are not really sure what the best way to go about this is. I suggested they try to ask some upper classmen if they have any recommendations, but I told my D I would also ask here. Do any of you amazing folks have any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

@javajo We sort of fell into using Nooklyn. We started out looking on a few sites like streeteasy and nakedapartments and tried to do it on our own. But when they actually went for the weekend to look at all the apartments they connected with a guy at Nooklyn and decided it would be beneficial to let him help them. I don’t think you are going to be able to make much progress this early. We were trying to talk to places in June to start renting in July/August and even then they said it was too early. But if you look on those sites, as well as Nooklyn, it will at least give you an idea of price, etc. As for Neighborhoods, my D and several of her classmates live in the Ridgewood area of Queens. It is about a 40 min drive to Molloy and 40 min subway to CAP, so it is a nice midway point. I think the first decision will be whether at least one room will have a car to get back to Molloy. There are many area in Queens & Brooklyn that are easy to get to CAP, but not as easy to get to Molloy if you are trying to use transit.

@JavaJo - I agree 100% with @waitingforlife, down to the advice about Ridgewood. D used Nooklyn and lived in a beautiful apartment in Ridgewood for 2 years. The apartment was then rented by younger Cappies - I bet it still is! The only issue is finding street parking, but that’s the same all over NYC.

Thank you both!! That is very helpful!

@waitingforlife and @EastchesterMom Thanks for the info. I have a couple of additional question on the rental process. Did you connect with the agent that had a listing you liked or did you contact someone at Nooklyn in general? It seems like the people that have the listings on Nooklyn probably represent the landlord so I’m wondering if it’s best to contact that person or to get hooked up with a Nooklyn agent generally? How did you pick your person? I haven’t found a way to get agent rating.
Additionally, do you have experience with no fee listings? I’d really like to avoid paying another 10-15% on top of the regular rent, and it seems that no fee is the way to go. Does a no fee listing impact how Nooklyn would work with you? Did you find that you ended up paying the brokerage fee if it wasn’t the listing agent? This whole New York rental market is crazy. I’m used to the way it works in the mid-west where there are no brokers involved. Thanks in advance for your wisdom!

@speezagmom - We originally tried to go without an agent and with a no fee apartment as my thoughts were similar to yours. It was actually my Ds roommate and her parents that went to find the apartment and really had only 4 or 5 days to do it. They started out with listings they found online and appointments they had booked. But after looking at several they were not happy with the options. At least one of the apartments, no one showed up, another was already rented and at the time we weren’t completely familiar with the areas and so we were looking all over Queens and Brooklyn. Then at one of the stops on the list the agent from Nooklyn was actually there showing the apartment and after talking with him, they decided to have him help with the rest of the search. The apartment we ended up with was still a no fee apartment so we only had to pay the Nooklyn agent a small fee, I believe around $750. I checked the Nooklyn website and the agent we used is no longer there, but it might be worth it for you to contact them and just have a conversation about what the different fee options would be. The other part of the process that made it helpful to have the agent was getting the rental applications and guarantor papers submitted. It can be touchy working with the other parents involved as everyone will have to submit an application and sign on as a guarantor. Another thought I had for you after @EastchesterMom mentioned that her D passed her apartment on to other CAP kids, is maybe your S? could reach out to the seniors and see if anyone is leaving their apartment and would recommend it. Also last year one of Ds friends had an apartment open up in their building and they were trying to get CAP kids to move in. So maybe they could ask around and specifically look at buildings that other CAP kids are living.

Thanks @waitingforlife!

I would definitely look at discussing with a group of Seniors who live in the Ridgewood area and find out who their agent was ( Probably Nooklyn ) and see about taking over their place. But there seemed to be plenty of places in the Ridgewood area. My advice would be try to find something closest to the subway. My D walked about 3/4 mile each way her first year, and its ok until the weather is horrible. She is much closer this year, and says it makes a huge difference. The only problem with trying to move into a place where Sr are is that they will be moving out in late May. And you probably wont want to move in till late August or early Sept. But I would highly recommend Nooklyn.

Did you all hear the news that Henry is stepping down as department chair at the end of this academic year and easing into retirement? :frowning: He said he intends to stick around for a few years and teach on a part-time basis until he fully retires in Dec. 2022. I hope whoever they find to fill his position continues to build on this great program!! Molly/CAP21 is definitely on the map and I would love to see it continue to thrive!!

@JavaJo - No I hadn’t heard that. Will have to ask my D about it on our weekly call :slight_smile: But the program is in a good place now and getting some good attention so I am sure they will not have any trouble finding someone to continue it.

Henry was retired when CAP21’s founders brought him on so THEY could retire!! Best thing that ever happened to this program; Henry has done amazing things. I’m sure he’ll see to it that his successor is also great!

Hi Everyone, my daughter auditioned for CAP21 at LA Unifieds and had a very promising audition with warm correspondence from Rebecca Overton via email afterward. She won’t get an official decision until March 1, but I have some questions in the event she is accepted. She has already been accepted to the LIU Post BFA MT program. Are any of you CAP parents familiar enough with LIU to compare the style/quality of training? I’d love to hear why your kids chose CAP, how they like it, and what their favorite/least favorite aspects of the program are. I’m especially interested in whether they enjoy doing projects vs. shows and if they really miss doing lots of shows or feel it is a disadvantage to them that they aren’t doing more musicals in college to boost their resumes. Thanks in advance for your insight!

Welcome, @NeensMom , and break a leg to your D. My D is a member of the Class of 2018, the first class to graduate from the Molloy/CAP21 program. Did she and her classmates feel that they “missed out” because they did the Projects instead of shows? Absolutely not. The CAP21 motto is “We don’t just perform the musical theatre canon - we ADD TO IT.” The Projects are rigorous and intensely creative, and encourage the kids to take chances and put themselves out there. IMHO, there is no finer method of training MT performers. Take a look at some recent Broadway offerings: Oklahoma and West Side Story (both of which I have seen). Two of the most revered shows in the canon, given new life in bold and expressive ways. You won’t learn that at a program that trots out “Guys and Dolls” every year and does it the same way, over and over. But you will learn it at Molloy/CAP21, where you are taught to think “outside the black box.” As to any disadvantage by not having the same old shows on their resumes - not a factor, at all. The CAP21 training has been around for many years and is well-known in the industry for innovation and excellence. The proof is that Molloy/CAP21 grads are booking work right and left. My D has worked steadily since graduation - she leaves next week for France for the launch of the brand-new Celebrity Apex cruise ship, where she will be the lead singer. She is seing the world, doing what she loves, and making great money, I must add! Her friends also have found success… national tours, Off-Broadway, cruise ships, regional theatre, etc. D says that in the audition room nobody cares that you did shows in college…they want to see your skills, and she appreciates the rigorous training she got at Molloy/CAP21. She has seen the “competition” and believes she has a leg up (literally, LOL!) And don’t forget…upperclassmen at Molloy/CAP21 can audition right on campus for shows at the Madison Theatre. I honestly believe there is no better MT training ANYWHERE. Hope this helps.

@EastchesterMom WOW what great info. Thank you! You could do promotion for them! LOL. How frustrating is the commuting back and forth during the week? We will definitely go visit in the Spring before she makes a final decision. We will take public transport to and from campus so she can see what it will be like.

Another question… how are the typical scholarship packages? I was surprised at how low LIU’s were. We expected a lot more from them. Their cost rivals the top tier schools which seems unreasonable to me.

@NeensMom - the kids get used to the commute very quickly. They consider it “down time” to sleep, do homework, catch up on emails, whatever. When you live/work in NYC, there’s a commute no matter what. It’s part of the training to be a NYC performer. Re scholarships…my D got a huge scholarship based on her academics. My experience is that Molloy/CAP21 is pretty generous with the money. As to the price tag…I think that most of these programs are pretty much the same: way up there.