BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@MTDad2024 Definitely keep in touch. And visit if at all possible. I credit my D’s following up with Rebecca on her coming off the waitlist last year. Congrats on the waitlist.

We were also waitlisted. D sent Rebecca an email immediately letting her know how interested she is. Not sure if the list will move enough to find her a spot as she is on the regular, not priority, waitlist.

@MTDad2024 and @NeensMom - congrats on the waitlist- hang in there! I agree 100% with what my colleagues said. It helps to show continued interest. My older daughter just got in off the waitlist to a Masters in Occupational Therapy program; she emailed twice to let them know it was her number one choice. We’re all pulling for you!

@MTDad2024 and @NeensMom - Congratulations on the waitlist!!! And yes, I agree with the others, definitely keep showing interest! :slight_smile:

Hello! So much fantastic info that is GREATLY appreciated. Have any of the current students heard how large of a class Molloy is hoping to have? It’s currently at the top of my child’s list of schools. Hopefully planning a visit this spring. Also… when it their spring break this year? Thanks! :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the advice. S did respond back and asked to come to visit even though on the waitlist.

@HAHCx4 - Typically they have had a class size of about 32 - 2 cohorts of 16 each. Last year they went with a bigger class - 47 and made 3 cohorts. However, I believe they are planning to go back to the smaller class size this year. Also, spring break for them is March 16-20.

@waitingforlife thank you so much! Dangit, we have the same spring break so we will have to figure out another to visit before May. Also, I feel kind of dumb. This isn’t my first child in MT, but… I still am not sure what cohorts are.

@HAHCx4 - cohorts are just a fancy way of saying groups :slight_smile: I am not sure why exactly they always refer to them that way but basically it just means that even though there are 32 of them, there will never be 32 in a class. They would have 2 classes of 16. And it also doesn’t mean that they are grouped in that same class for their entire 4 years. They mix it up.

@HAHCx4 I would add that even in your cohort, you aren’t necessarily all in the same class. Some of the classes are broken down to have only 6 students per class so there is a lot of individual attention and feedback.

When you work with Rebecca to set up time to visit, ask about sitting in on classes or performance rehearsals/shows, etc. That was super helpful for my S when going through the decision making process.

Hello, first time poster here! D got her acceptance on Monday and I have been reading this entire thread for the past 3 days! Molloy/Cap21 was one of her top 3 choices since she had a great audition with Rebecca so she was extremely excited to get her acceptance. We are still waiting on the packet to come in the mail so we can start looking at financials and plan a visit. She has two other schools to visit over Spring Break and still waiting to hear from a few more, but I think her mind is already made up that she will be headed to Molloy. I wanted to thank all of you parents for being so awesome on this thread, it has really helped to put this TX mom’s mind at ease about sending her D to NY!

@2020MTMom - Congratulations and welcome to the family! Can’t believe I started this thread six years ago! This program hit the ground running and is now highly sought after. Not to mention that we’re all super nice, too!

@2020MTMom Congrats! If it helps there are A LOT of Texans in the CAP21 program…for this year’s freshman it was second to California with most students. And a Texas freshman on the volleyball team. the parents (from all states) are as awesome as the kids! So although it’s hard sending your kid so far from home there really is nothing to worry about. Supportive program and a supportive campus!

@2020MTMom Welcome to the family! I’m very excited for your D. It really is a great place and amazing program. Let us know if you have any questions - there are a lot of active parents on here from alumni parents to current freshmen parents.

Current parents/students, hoping to get more information on Molloy living. We visited campus 2 weekends ago and it was DEAD. It gave me some concern as to campus life when at Molloy. We love the program, but as a parent who had a very “traditional” college experience, part of me really wants my daughter to have that same college experience, not just the conservatory training. Thoughts?

@2020MTMom i am going to pm you with a few questions if u don’t mind. I’m not sure if u can respond yet as you haven’t had enough posts yet. Let me know if it works. :).
Molloy is one of the top schools my child is considering as well.

@HAHCx4 I just tried to reply to your message

@speezagmom - sending you a message

Congratulations @2020MTMom !! And welcome to the family!!

@Libish - regarding campus life: Historically Molloy has been more of a commuter college, but that is slowly turning around - especially with the CAP21 program bringing in more out of state students! It is a small campus, so it won’t have the feel of some of the large state school campuses; however, they really do a nice job of offering lots of activities on campus. If you go to Instagram and look at any of the Molloy accounts (Molloylife, Molloycollege, livingatmolloy, molloylions, to name a few) you can really get a good sense of all they try to offer students! They also offer shuttles to take students into Rockville Centre, or to Roosevelt Field mall, Target, etc. so students can get to stores, restaurants, etc off campus if they need to. I will say the food options on campus are a little lacking - especially on weekends. That is definitely something they could improve upon!!! Anyway, take a look at those Instagram accounts and see if they help you get a sense of what Molloy offers. :slight_smile:

There is no traditional college experience with a BFA… They get involved some their freshman year - but 40 hrs a week to be successful into this program will take away from a “traditional” college experience. We look at is as job training more than college life… A BFA anywhere will be like this - not just at Molloy.