BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@2020MTMom I still think it’s worth reaching out and letting them know about the circumstance change although lots may be in the same boat. But it never hurts to ask imho especially if you can say that it’s your D’s first choice but you have received xxxx from another school and your circumstances have changed a bit due to Covid-19.

If you or @rickle1 have any other questions feel free to ask. I know there’s an active accepted students group but for parent questions there’s also a parent group on Facebook that was started by the 2023 parents. Some prospective parents are reaching out there. I feel for everyone having to make decisions without visiting. Best of luck going forward.

I feel for all of you having to make financial decisions given the nightmare we’re living in. Stay strong, stay healthy, and this too shall pass.

@2020MTMom D is very excited and interested. She is scheduling a one on one with Rebecca.

Fun anecdotal story. I never get used to the references to the connections these kids have. Last night, my son came down from his room and said - Hey, you know I talk about Marshall, my voice performance teacher? Well, he has a second job… he’s the music director for the national tour of Rock of Ages. One of the cast members just posted this clip from rehearsal - just listen to it. You can hear Marshall yelling in the background.

It never ceases to amaze me - the casual, first name basis connection they have with people that have ‘big jobs’ in this industry - but I guess that’s part of why he chose this school.

There is a terrific podcast that any prospective Cappie will want to listen to…it’s a realistic description of what the program is like, by two current members of the Class of 2020, hosted by Angelo Fabroni, who heads the Madison Theatre:

D paid her deposit today and committed to Molloy! We were successful in getting a little more aid, she still has three schools left to hear from but they won’t change her mind so she’s excited and ready to be a Cappie! Hopefully now school starts on time since she’s pretty much missing the end of her senior year. Now to tell the other schools no, I feel bad bc they are all so nice and helpful during this time where no one can visit. We know she made the right choice for her though.

@2020MTMom Congrats and welcome to the family! Don’t feel to bad about declining the other programs. Think of it as you are potentially opening up a spot for someone else who may be happier there! So win for all!

@2020MTMom - Congrats! I’m sure it is so nice to have the decision made. Welcome to CAP21 :slight_smile:

@2020MTMom - Congratulations and welcome to the Callie family!

Congratulations @2020MTMom! Welcome to the CAP21 family! Don’t forget to post on the final decisions thread. Can’t wait to hear about your process.

Yay! Congratulations @2020MTMom !! Welcome to the family! :slight_smile: And yes, can’t wait to read your story on the final decisions thread.

Is there a zoom group chat for the Molloy/Cap21 accepted students? My D is looking for one to try and talk to more students. She participated in the one that Rebecca held. She just wants to be able to talks to the kids more and get the vibe of the group. Any help would be great and you can PM me if you prefer. Thanks!

Yes, they chat almost daily. I can’t pm but if you want to send me a message I’ll give you my daughters Instagram so she can connect her. That’s one reason she is so ready to commit, they all get along so well!

Can someone send me a link to the Final Decisions thread? I love reading those, and…well, I have the time at the moment.

Sorry that post above was directed @frisbee3 . Still getting used to this forum. Anyway pm me if you want zoom details ?

No worries; I just realized that I called us Callies instead of Cappies…I shouldn’t go near my computer until I’ve had my morning coffee.

@EastchesterMom - Here you go! Not much activity yet, but I anticipate that will start to change soon!

What’s the approximate male / female split at Molloy in the MT program for any of the past four years or so. My understanding is the current freshman class is around 48 students and the target freshman class for this fall is between 32 and 36.

@Twelfthman The current freshman class is exactly 24 female 24 male. (Or was when they started - I don’t know if they’ve lost anyone) Prior year classes have far more females. The current sophomore class is 29 total - 6 males. (started at 35) The current senior class is 32 total with 8 males. I’m not sure about the current junior class but one of the other parents here surely does. I know they have been trying to get an equal ratio, but it’s a the program is only graduating it’s 3rd class this year so it’s still pretty new. I would anticipate that they’re trying to get a fairly even split again this year.

D just made her decision. Is excited to be headed to Molloy/Cap 21! She will release other spots tomorrow.