BHP and Pre-Med

I’ve heard echoed time and time again that major doesn’t matter, but at the same time many people have said that pre-professional degrees seem questionable on a college application.
So would it be a good idea to go out of the typical premed major area and major in Business Honor’s (Or McCombs Business Management if I don’t get in) and pick up the premed prerequisites as electives or even as a second major (BHP and Bio or Chem). Would this negatively impact my chances of medical school admission if I maintain a high GPA and strong extracurriculars? Also, would it be manageable to finish in 4 years?
Business has always interested me and I’ve heard from every doctor I know that knowing how to run a business is invaluable as a doctor, whether its for going into administration/ leadership or starting a private practice. However, if business and premed aren’t compatible, medicine is my main passion.

Sorry for the long passage haha! And thank you in advance!

See pages 4-6

Yes, you can definitely major in business and get into medical school.