Bicycles at the []_[]?

<p>Good idea? Bad idea? Needed? Will it get stolen? I plan on doing spin (indoor) just about everyday, but I'm wondering whether my bike would help me to get around campus more easily than walking (dorm to class, etc.)? Also, although FL. is flat, I'm wondering whether there is any reason to bring my mountain bike? </p>

<p>I had one freshman year (key word had, it got stolen towards the end of spring semester; rare, but it happens). I never ended up using it, I much prefer to walk to class (gives me a bit of time to unwind, listen to music, etc). The campus isn’t big enough to make it a necessity, it’s a maximum 15 minute walk from the dorms to furthest part of campus. However, some people, including my roommate, completely rely on their bike. So it’s up to you whether you’d use it enough to bring it down or not.</p>

<p>A bike isn’t a bad idea. I don’t think you need a mountain bike, though. Florida is flat, lol.</p>