<p>Hi, I'm new to this site and I'm in a bit of a pickle. Firstly, I just want to state right off the bat, I took a 2 year break after graduating HS and just recently took the SAT exam and scored a 2250 with 750 in all 3 categories and being hispanic (Puerto Rican) makes that minutely impressive, I think lol. Anyways, here's my issue. I've always loved history. I plan on majoring in history just for pure enjoyment purposes and maybe teaming it up with one of the three following majors. Economics (BS not BA), Accounting, or Finance. I've heard that Accounting is great for job prospecting as accounting is probably my best bet for a job out of school. Getting the CPA certification would be nice as well which I would probably be leaning towards if I go the accounting route. Then there's finance, I love the idea of being a financial analyst/ financial advisor. I feel a finance major would fulfill my enjoyment for any profession and I would also be going for the CFA route as well. (I know it's extremely challenging, I love to push myself though). Lastly, there's Economics. As much as I would love to major in the more qualitative aspect, I feel the BS would help my resume look better and my interest in math is outstanding so the more "science/mathematical" side doesn't scare me. I've heard that Econ. would give me a more broad field, in terms of careers, to work with. I've also heard that Econ. majors are sometimes useless. If I was to go the Econ. route I'd probably also get a minor in math/statistics. I want a job that is well off financially and doesn't leave me wanting to blow my brains out when I come home. Any suggestions? All are welcome! :D</p>