Big Housing Question

<p>Going through all my acceptance materials, it dawned to me. Where am I going to live??</p>

<p>I'm considering joining the Michigan Research Community, which lives in the Hill Area, I am wondering though, isn't that a bit remote? or am I wrong?</p>

<p>As an alternative, I am going to college of engineering, so if not MRC, would it be better for me to room in Central Campus or North Campus?</p>

<p>Very few freshmen live on Central Campus -- mostly only Honors, Residential College and athletes. There are also a few all female halls. I think that next year the Michigan Research Community will be in East Quad - which is on Central Campus. Same hall as the RC. Even if you're in Engineering, most of your first-year classes are on Central Campus. But taking the bus isn't that big a deal.</p>

<p>If i were to be a part of that Health Sciences Scholars Program (i think thats what it was) where would i live?</p>

<p>Health Science Scholars program is generally in Alice Lloyd on the Hill Area of Central Campus. Great location</p>

<p>As a freshman 3 out of your 4 classes for school in the college of engineering will be pre-engineering classes I.E. Physics, Chem, Math, Humanities, etc and all of these will be on central campus. Most engineering students will select central campus instead of north campus as their housing option. Also, about 50-60% of freshman live on the hill area of campus (in between north and central campus) this is the med school area and is in my opinion the best place for freshman. </p>

<p>Definitely go central campus because if you put north campus you will be put up there. But if you do get "stuck" up there don't emphasize that you got stuck, but go in with a good attitude and you'll love it no matter where you are living.</p>

<p>Good luck see you in a year!</p>

<p>How do you apply for the health sciences scholars program?</p>