Big List of MT Colleges by Program Type

You should add Xavier University (OH). It is an audition BA MT, Theatre (performance and tech focus), and Theatre Education.

It’s hard to see in this thread if this has already been corrected, but Carthage College is an audition BA MT. It is by audition only and has a fabulous director, Matthew Hougland, who was brought in '21. They said that they are being accredited as a BM MT as well beginning fall '23. I believe at that time they will offer both the BA and BM tracks.

I am adding one more thought re a school my D auditioned for (and was accepted to) because people often search for info on programs and read old threads that are now closed, so can’t be added to. Regarding Viterbo’s MT program, old threads, from like 2015, mention it being a regional program, with most students coming from the midwest. But we recently visited and saw the musical they were doing. The cast (largely MT majors) were from all over the country, from California to New York. There was not a majority from surrounding areas. This is due to the rise in their national reputation over the years. It is so important for prospective students to make sure they are looking at recent info on schools when doinh research on programs.

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