Big List of MT Colleges: By State

[Rockford</a> University Theatre BFA - YouTube](<a href=“]Rockford”>Rockford University Performing Arts - YouTube) check it out guys!
our grads are WORKING, our MT students get the same acting training as the BFA Acting students, and you’ll work non-stop on productions from your first day of freshman year until you graduate! Feel free to contact me with any questions!</p>

<p>In Missouri -
Southwest Missouri State - They changed the name to Missouri State (without the Southwest part) quite a few years back.</p>

<p>Just wanted to call attention to this thread/post:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; </p>

<p>The Musical Theatre degree at Rider is now officially a BFA! The Rider website will be updated soon.</p>

<p>The University of New Hampshire, in Durham, offers a BA in Theatre with an emphasis in Musical Theatre, as well as a Musical theatre minor.</p>

<p>In fall of 2013 we’re doing AIN’T MISBEHAVING and in the spring of 2014 we’re performing and touring a studio musical, NEXT TO NORMAL.</p>

<p>For all new applicants, we have a NEW audition requirement for prospective students. Check out [University</a> of New Hampshire - Department of Theatre and Dance - Theatre and Dance Home](<a href=“]University”> for the details.</p>

<p>The University of Washington (Seattle) will start offering a BA in Musical Theater as of fall 2013!</p>

<p>Okay I finally got what I think is good accurate update as to St. Edward’s in Austin, Texas. They have been undergoing a lot of transition and the program is different now.</p>

<p>They now offer either a BFA in acting, or the BA which offers three specializations of general theater, theater design/technology, or theater/stage management.</p>

<p>The BFA is still the kind where everyone starts as a BA and progession to BFA is done by review sometime around end of freshman year.</p>

<p>BUT, they also now have an MT minor!</p>

<p>And they have reorganized it from just the school of theatre by itself to including the music and dance departments to now all be under the umbrella of the school of performing arts.</p>

<p>I think these are good developments. I suppose one could get a BFA in acting and also get a minor in MT.</p>

<p>(I can’t imagine who would want an MT minor other than either a BA theatre person or a BFA acting person…right? lol)</p>

<p>North Dakota State offers a BFA in Theatre with an MT Track.</p>

<p>Academic Programs - North Dakota State University Theatre</p>

<p>CAP21 now has a BFA program with Molloy College:</p>

<p>[Molloy</a> College BFA Program - CAP21 Conservatory](<a href=“404 | Molloy University: Affordable undergraduate and graduate degree programs at one of the top colleges in America.”></p>

<p>University of Montevallo offers a BFA in Musical Theatre with great merit aid.</p>

<p>Western Michigan University’s Musical Theatre program only accepts 14 students a year. Very competitive! Would you note that?</p>

<p>Recently announced: The University of Alabama at Birmingham now offers a BFA in Musical Theatre.</p>

<p>Nazareth College in New York is a BFA for Musical Theatre (might be for acting as well), this is a fairly recent change, went to this in 2012. Not super competitive, they said they take those w/potential, not a certain amount.</p>

<p>Also one that isn’t updated on this list is Seton Hill University in Pennsylvania. They offer an audition BFA in MT. They also have a BA in MT, which also requires an audition.</p>

<p>ECU (Eastern Carolina University) In Greenville, NC also offers a BFA in Musical Theater. They have a dance program as well. </p>

<p>AMDA (American Musical and Dramatic Academy) offers a BFA in musical theatre as well! Both in NYC and LA</p>

<p>Is anyone actually updating the list for these recent additions?</p>

<p>I think the combined post is too long for the new CC to handle.</p>

<p>Well that’s not very helpful…is it…</p>

<p>I regularly update the Big List by Program Type. I do usually look at this thread before making an update there.</p>

<p>Has anyone heard anything about Trinity College in Conn?</p>