Big List of MT Colleges: By State

@Collegemom Please add Oral Roberts University (BFA in Theatre: Musical Theatre Track) for Oklahoma.

NOTE: U of Mississippi (Ole Miss) has changed their BFA. It’s now Acting for Stage and Screen, and you can have a MT emphasis.

@brieduck My daughter is an MT major at SEMO. I don’t have much good to say about it. Feel free to message me if you would like my opinion.

New This Year, Liberty University (Lynchburg, VA) is offering a BFA in Musical Theatre. Audition Required - On campus or Video Submission.

West Virginia University has an excellent and selective BFA program and I do not understand why this program is not on the list.

PLEASE ADD WVU BFA program to the list. It is a selective auditioned program.

FYI Posts #255 and #256 seem to have the most recent lists. There are additions/changes in the posts following those.

Did some research and found out about some lesser-known programs.

The University of Vermont BA Theatre w/ MT minor (recently named by OnStage Blog to be a top 10 theatre BA program)

St. Joseph’s University BA Theatre & Film w/ MT concentration

Eastern Washington University BA in Musical Theatre

Lynn University BFA Drama (MT Performance Track)

McDaniel College Theatre Arts Major w/ MT Performance minor

Providence College in Rhode Island now has an MT track in their BA in the Department of Theatre, Dance and Film.

@Collegemom Northern Kentucky DOES require audition for BFA MT and Acting. Thanks for the list!

Great list. A few updates I would add is Marymount Manhattan is now a BFA in music theatre. Also, Circle in the Square now has a split program to obtain your bfa by doing 2yrs at a school in Florida (Eckard) and 2yrs in NYC.

In Georgia, you can also add LaGrange College which is a BA in Musical Theatre, non-audition.

Christopher Newport’s BA Theatre/MT became audition as of Fall 2020 entrance. Also Catawba is not offering a BFA in MT starting this year (or next) although it may come back in the future. They do however offer a BFA in Theatre Arts Performance.

@PhilipM: @Kkrazie offers great advice re: those two books. There are almost a dozen titles focused on MT (or MT/acting) college prep. A number of others are equally worthy of recommendation; a great plus of pairing Dennard’s and Rogers’ is that the former comes from the vantage point of an exceptional college audition coach who’s been working with MT and acting aspirants for a couple decades; Rogers’ vantage is that of a founder and head of a noted college MT program (Pace in NYC) who has been auditioning MT applicants for more than a dozen years - so the two books together provide input “from both sides of the table.” Dennard’s dates from a decade ago but has twice been updated (2014 and 2019) and is companionably shorter; Rogers’ is new (2019) and has the heft expected of a tome coming from a major publisher (Oxford University Press). However, for either of these to be worthwhile, both parent and student must read it, and take notes as one would if preparing for a final. The most crucial final. Other recommended books come from the wonderful actor and coach Chelsea Cippola (now Chelsea Diehl), veteran vocal and audition coach Tim Evanicki, and the vocal/audition coaching duo of David Sisco & Laura Josepher. In another new entry, former performer and now performing arts education exec Suzanne Messenger (now Livesay) offers a unique perspective: that of having been the mom of a college-bound daughter who together lived through the arduous audition process. Whichever you choose, have highlighters at the ready.

Please add Eckerd College in Florida: The Theatre Discipline offers a 2 + 2 program through an articulation agreement with Circle in the Square Theatre School. This partnership results in a choice of one of two degrees granted by Eckerd College: either a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Theatre or a BFA in Musical Theatre.

Hi, can you add Ohio University BFA MT as of fall 2019. Thanks

Marshall Univ in WV is starting a new MT program - see the link:

SUNY Cortland is now a BFA. Be careful with SUNY Buffalo as there are two SUNY’s in Buffalo. Buffalo State College does not offer MT only a BA in Theatre while the University at Buffalo offers the BFA program in MT.

Hi there,

If you are looking for a full list of college programs for MT, Acting, Dance, Design Tech and Vocal Performance this app is amazing and free. Break a leg.

And if you’re going to go to Buffalo, go a bit further and check out Niagara University. We found them late last year, and my son is a freshman there in the Theatre Performance BFA, they have vocal lessons and dance lessons every semester. He is improving and loves his professors, classes and all the students he works with.