Big List of MT Colleges: By State

<p>Great list CollegeMom- thanks for taking the time to compile it! Just a note about UCLA’s progam. It is a BA program but you do not audition after the freshman year. You must audition prior to the freshman year or as a junior transfer. Only about 12-15 students are admitted to the MT program each year, and only 2-3 at the most are admitted as transfers. The audition consists of singing, acting and dancing (one of the more complicated dances my D ran into during auditions) as well as an interview. Thank you!</p>

<p>takeitallin, I do not take any credit for compiling the Big List. If you read the first post on this thread, you will see that others compiled it and CC had a link to the list. That link no longer works and so CC copied the information and posted it directly on our MT Forum. </p>

<p>Thank you for noticing the error on UCLA. I personally am aware of the information you just shared but never noticed the error on the Big List. Perhaps back when it was originally compiled a number of years ago, the set up at UCLA was different. I will fix it on Post #2 now. Thanks.</p>

<p>CollegeMom— just noticed that CAP21 is still listed under Tisch’s programs! Maybe it’s worth a change to the New Studio (what’s the full name??) since CAP is no longer taking new students.</p>

<p>wb4…if you look at POST #2…that is the most current up to date Big List, not the original list in POST #1. In #2, it was already revised for NYU/Tisch that CAP21 is no longer taking new students (but since CAP21 is still training current Tisch BFA students, it is still listed) and then the New Studio on Broadway for MT and Acting is listed there. All updates are noted in red. Were you just looking at the list in Post #1 by chance?</p>

<p>oops! thought i was in post #2— guess i was still in #1! the list is just so long it’s easy to get confused. sorry!</p>

<p>Hiya! :slight_smile: Thanks so much for doing this… just a note… Shorter College in GA DOES require an audition, and they accept 13-15 people into their MT progream.</p>

<p>also, Wright State Univiersity in OH only accepts 13 people</p>

<p>Musical_Maranda, thanks, I have now updated the list in POST #2 to reflect the changes you noted above.</p>

<p>Thanks so much! :-D</p>

<p>wow - this is great! i’m new to researching MT programs and this is so helpful. thanks for the wealth of knowledge that this will provide!</p>

<p>hi there! Adrian College in Michigan offers a BA in musical theatre. (:</p>

<p>Thank you for that information. I have now added Adrian College’s BA in MT (by audition) to the Big List in POST #2 on this thread. That is our most updated list.</p>

<p>Wichita State University (Wichita, KS) offers a BFA in MT. While an audition is required, it is not for acceptance to the program. It is for assessment and scholarship possibilities, etc.</p>

<p>I would like to thank CollegeMom SO MUCH for this list! This list is how I found out about masters programs in music theatre, and I am proud to say I will be attending the University of Montana for my MM in the fall. THANKS CollegeMom!!!</p>

<p>Which of these schools offer conservatory style vs. BA or BFA in a liberal arts setting?</p>

<p>This list is fantastic! Right now it still says Coastal Carolina has a BFA Pending, but the BFA is definitely happening now so that can be changed. :slight_smile: There’s a BFA Musical Theatre now, and the BA is now a BA in Dramatic Arts and is non-audition.</p>

<p>AlexaMT, thanks for pointing out that the listing for Coastal Carolina needed to be updated. It is now updated in Post #2 on this thread which is the most up to date list of college MT programs.</p>

<p>Southern Utah University offers a BFA with an emphasis in Musical Theater. Auditions for the BFA program are held at the end of the first year of college.</p>

<p>[Theatre</a> Arts & Dance Department | College of Performing & Visual Arts | SUU](<a href=“]Theatre”>Department of Theatre, Dance, and Arts Administration | SUU)</p>

<p>Thank you countryboy for providing that information about Southern Utah. I have updated the master list in POST #2 on this thread (the most up to date list) to reflect the information you have provided.</p>

<p>This is a GODSEND!!! Thanks a bunch for the wealth of info</p>