Big List of MT Colleges: By State

<p>Welcome to College Confidential’s Musical Theater Forum! Take some time to explore the many threads and discussions on this forum, as there is a wealth of information and also sharing of personal experiences that you could not find in a book. There is also a great deal more on CC’s other forums as well. Hope to see you participating here.</p>

<p>Might it be worth adding to University of the Arts “BFA MT, BFA in Acting, Dance or Voice w/MT Minor”? Would seem to be of relevance to questions that come up regarding desires to major in something other than MT but still get significant MT exposure.</p>

<p>MichaelNKat, it is a good idea to add the MT Minor to UArts’ listing as not that many schools offer that. I don’t want to add BFA in Acting (or Dance or Voice) as so many schools on this Big List offer such majors and those are not listed here and the list only pertains to the MT majors. But I will add MT Minor to UArts now and it is basically implied that the minor in MT can be combined with majors such as Acting (given that UArts is an arts school). Thank you for the suggestion.</p>

<p>Unless I missed something I noticed that the list is missing University of South Dakota BFA MT which can be found here [Theatre</a> Home - USD](<a href=“Page Not Found | University of South Dakota”>Page Not Found | University of South Dakota)</p>

<p>^^Thank you, MTDad777. I have now added University of South Dakota’s BFA in MT to the Big List Post #2 (the most up to date list). I had never heard of that program before. Is it new?</p>

<p>Hey Collegemom - the MT program at West Texas A&M offers either a BA or a BS. Which is the only BS I have seen so far, but when I compiled my spreadsheet just last month that is the information I found. :slight_smile: Thought you might want to add. It is still non audition at this time. Also you might want to update Texas State to have the + by it, as it is highly competitive now. And, UNT does not offer an MT degree - either dance, or theater.</p>


To my knowledge, Texas A&M’s MUSICAL THEATER program just offers a BA, and not a BS. It’s THEATER program offers a BA or BS. The Big List on the MT Forum here just notes MT programs and not all the theater degrees colleges offer. Thus, in terms of MT for Texas A&M, I am going to leave it as a BA. if you can find me links to showing that the MT program also offers a BS, I will take a look. That is not what I have found. That is just for theater. Also, while the BA in MT (which is the only program this listing on this forum refers to), does not REQUIRE an audition, it RECOMMENDS an audition (in my view, such language implies you ought to do one), and also an audition would be required for scholarship consideration. If you know information that differs from this and can give me a link proving that, I would revise accordingly. </p>

Yes, I know their acceptance rate is quite low for the BFA in MT. First, I am not the person who started this list and chose which schools have a “+” for most selective and which do not. However, low acceptance rate (which is true of the majority of BFA in MT programs) is not the sole indicator of selectivity. A depth of the talent pool and the region it draws from (national or not), how well known it is, etc. are all factors. The fact that Texas State’s BFA in MT program has had only one admissions cycle so far and is in its first year, is too soon to qualify its level of selectivity, though I am sure it will be increasing each year. So, for now, since it is new, and while the acceptance rate is very low, we’ll leave it the way it is for this year. </p>

I will change that and take it down as it doesn’t offer a MT degree program (though has merit based scholarships for current students in MT and puts on musicals).</p>

<p>Collegemom, you are right that it is the theater and not mt that offers a BS - I had gotten that confused, oops. But I had called and spoken to the theatre department last month and my understanding was that they did could be admitted without an audition, though yes it is required for scholarships - I thought the notation on the list was for schools in which an audition was required for admission, so perhaps I am confused. D is going to go there next month and audition anyway so I’ll share what we find out after we get back, I’m sure we’ll be very clear on it then.</p>

<p>Thank you for clarifying “selective” as far as Texas State. We left our visit with the definite impression that is exactly what they are working on being! Kaitlyn seemed pretty awesome and I think it will end up that way.</p>

<p>UNT has what many people consider the best music school in Texas and one of the best in the country, actually, and a great dance program, but, no actual MT program. A lot of people have the impression that they do. I think perhaps they did at one time.</p>

<p>I just spoke with someone from the University of West Florida Musical Theatre program and it is not a non-audition program. Students have to audition at the end of their Freshmen year and only 10 are accepted into the program. You might want to update this on the list.</p>

<p>College Mom, it’s not new. My daughter auditioned at Illinois Theatre Feast back in 2008 and they were one of many colleges that attended as well as one she received a call back from. I investigated each and every call back. Some were strictly BFA acting most were MT. Otherwise I would have never even heard of it. One thing I did find out after the fact was that our fantastic HS choral director David Holdhusen
left to go there in 2005 and is still there. They do offer scholarships and tuition was incredibly reasonable. Unfortunately my D had no interest in living in SD.</p>

<p>Are we keeping track of all the schools with minors as well? Hofstra University on Long Island/NY has an MT minor (BFA in Theatre Arts - Performance). I’m still trying to figure it out but it looks like you attend the school for over a year and then apply to audition into the major or the minor.
Has anyone seen an undergraduate production at Hofstra?</p>

<p>Metropolitan State of Denver requires an audition.</p>

<p>Just a note that College of Santa Fe is now Santa Fe University of Art and Design. Still a BFA degree by audition.</p>

<p>Western Connecticut State University offers a BA in MT now as well.</p>

<p>RE: Cal State Fullerton… should post #2 be updated to indicate their new policy for freshman auditions? Students still do audition for official admission to the BFA MT program at the end of sophomore year, but now there is an audition for incoming students as well. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Please add The University of Montana - MM in Music Theatre</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Ooops! Somehow, Brandeis is not on the list! At Brandeis, MT can be either a concentration for a Theatre major or a concentration for a music major.</p>

<p>University of Memphis is adding a Musical Theatre Program to their curriculum for next year. there isn’t much info about it out yet but I believe its BFA and non-audition (except for scholarship, not acceptance)</p>

<p>just saying that Belmont also has a BFA program (not just a BM!)</p>

<p>I am so thrilled to be the one to be posting that Sheridan College in Oakville, Ontario, Canada, now offers a Bachelor of Applied Arts for their Musical Theatre program. It’s been running successfully for quite a while now and is widely considered to be the best in the nation. This makes Sheridan the ONLY institution in Canada to offer a degree for MT. True, the BAA is not generally considered equivalent to a BA, but this is a giant step for the MT programs of this country. This sounds really nerdy, but as a Canadian myself I’m thrilled and I just about died when the guidance office read that off on the morning announcements today.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;