big midwest universities.....HELP

<p>hey guys... i was just wondering if you could help me w/ my chances</p>

<p>I really want to go to a big university w/ football.. big greek life... Helppp</p>

<p>i have applied to 12 schools including purdue and IU.. what are my chances of getting into purdue or IU........</p>

<p>ACT 23
Very competetive southern cali public school ( 4 kids went to harvard many ivy kids)
3.027 GPA
I know my stats are bad but i got diagnosed w/ a learning disability over this year and i have been trying to improve my grades... ( they've gone up)
EC's... Varsity Crew team frosh/soph.. Varsity Equestrian team Jun/sen
Job junior/senior (only 5 hrs a week tho)
I volunteer at a theraputic horseback riding center for disabled adults and children every week</p>

<p>any help/sugesstions would be appreciated@#$%^&</p>

<p>If you follow football, you must have some ideas where you want to apply. Why don't you tell us, and we'll try to help.</p>

<p>If you have a learning disability, you are going to have to choose your college carefully. I know a young man with a learning disability who attends U of MI. He did very well in high school, but he has struggled in college. I would suggest finding a support group for your particular LD and contacting them. Find out what stats they have on student success at various state U's for those with your LD. A great football team & a party atmosphere may sound great ... but when your parents are shelling out thousands of dollars for your education (or you are borrowing for it!), you need to consider where you will be most successful. You can always watch the "big" games on tv. You might find that a smaller school with a student body that supports its teams is a better environment for you.</p>