Big News From Harry and Meghan - Royal Family Stepping Back

Hmmm, I thought that the skin color comment was maybe William. Harry and William had a huge falling out and I think William may have made some very ugly comments. Could have been Prince Phillip but I’m laying money on someone closer to them. I think it’s someone in the immediate family. Charles, Camilla, William or Kate.

The thing that rubbed me the wrong way was her complaint that Archie wasn’t given a title. I could be wrong but I’m pretty positive that neither Princess Anne’s or Prince Edward’s children have titled. Prince Andrew insisted that his girls have titles but the other grandchildren do not. That would have been explained to Meghan and I’m calling bull on her for that not being disclosed.

What broke my heart because it hits closer to home, is that Meghan asked for help, asked for a treatment program and was denied.

Although I just heard Tina Brown on CBS. She made the statement that royals see their friends all the time and that Harry has admitted that he has had therapy, so I’m suspect that Meghan said she was denied those also.

Meghan is an actress, she knows how to act. That’s what I’ll say.


There’re lots of revelations but none of them is really surprising. The biggest one is the racism within the highest echelon of the British monarchy. Is anyone surprised by that? The accusation that Meghan was acting is groundless. Isn’t that comment on dark skin tone came from and was confirmed by Harry?


Personally I think William had a big role to play in the racism and discriminatory behavior. I was surprised, I thought it was the queen!

I’m currently watching CBS This Morning. Oprah just revealed that Harry told her his grandparents were not the ones to raise the skin color. I also agree with @deb922 comments that Meghan may not be completely truthful.

Their children do not inherit a Prince title yet, because that is reserved for grandchildren of the monarch, not the great-grandchildren. I get the feeling that the conversation is that when Charles becomes King, they were not going to let Archie be a prince. Is that because of a race decision (which Meghan is implying), or because Charles has been wanting for awhile to narrow who is part of the “HRH”’s. I think the latter. But race could have made them want that more, who knows.

I do think it’s horrible how the Royal family is controlled, but it’s voluntary, so…

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You know who is the Queen? Oprah! I’ve missed how great an interviewer she is.


I keep writing this and deleting.

I think that it is hard for the white people in charge to distinguish the difference between negative comments and racism.


When I made the comment about Meghan being an actress, I was not talking about the racism issues. Those I believe.

I was talking about that she who was known to be a planner, did not do any research on the royal family. That she did not read the comments about her, even though she sued the tabloids. That she wasn’t told the reason why Archie wasn’t going to have a title.


I too find it disingenuous. She was an educated professional woman in her mid-30s, and she didn’t prepare for the role she was to assume? If not, that was her own fault. It seems she is friendly with Andrew’s daughters, and surely she could have asked them for assistance. Similarly,I wonder why she did not seek a therapist on her own to visit her regularly in the Palace. It isn’t that difficult to locate a qualified therapist in London.

She and Harry were or should have been aware of the efforts to limit both the titles and security services provided to the extended royal family-those have been going on for years, and particularly came to light in 2011. Harry’s cousins do not all have titles, nor do his cousin’s children. Why would his children be different?


I don’t think Oprah is a good interviewer at all. She didn’t press things. Her questions are too squishy and she let the answers be just as squishy. For example, when Harry wouldn’t answer who it was who made the skin color comment she should have pressed and asked whether it was someone in the Royal Family or one of the courtiers. There were too many questions and answers that were so non-specific that I was confused.

I also call BS on so many of the answers. As others have said, many of the Queen’s grandchildren and great grandchildren are not Princes or Princesses. Instead Meghan implied that Archie was denied being called Prince Archie so he wouldn’t have security provided. That just doesn’t follow logically.

Then there was being prevented from seeing a therapist. Diana saw therapists. I just don’t believe that Meghan couldn’t have made an appointment and seen a therapist.

Then there was “They (unspecified) took away my passport, my driver’s license, my keys”. BS. Somehow Meghan was able to ‘escape’ to Canada. She must have had her passport then. Members of the Royal Family drive themselves. I don’t believe they took away her driver’s license. Did she have a British driver’s license anyway?

They seemed obsessed with their security which they want someone else to pay for, either Charles or the British taxpayer. I recall news stories when they went to Canada about how much more the security was going to cost the taxpayer with them being out of the country. So they went from a country where guns are not common to a country where almost everyone owns a gun! And I saw a photo of them in Santa Barbara with Harry driving, with Meghan and Doria in the car and no security man there.

It all just doesn’t add up.


I do wonder if they will end up regretting this interview. It seems they have irreparably damaged their relations with his family and the crown, for questionable benefit to themselves. Perhaps they thought it would help their commercial appeal.

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She gave a performance…and today she is reading the reviews. I don’t think it’s pretty.


I briefly caught a British “royal” commenter/courtier, this morning, explaining (I’m quoting the courtier) that there was a whole hullabaloo when Prince Philip asked a Black MP what country she was from, when clearly that isn’t racist, the monarchs have ruled over people of color therefore can’t be racist, etc. It was really strange to hear, what I heard is “I’m so racist I don’t hear other people being racist”.
That guy may be extreme or he may be representative of what is acceptable in the royal family, no idea who he is, but it was shocking how casually he was saying this.
For sure, there’s still a strong vibe of “Black people should be grateful for what we did for them” in some parts of Britain, where it’s acceptable to be nostalgic for the Empire. Some royals may not think they’re racist but for them saying they’re concerned about a baby’s skin tone probably is not racist, just a legitimate concern related to their perception of what the Royal Family has been and should look like.
At a minimum it may have been a giant culture shock for Meghan (which may be what Prince Harry indicated when he said the other members of his family hadn’t “educated themselves” the way he had.) First, in the “uneducated racism” that can exist among the English elite/nobility; second, in that racism also has cultural qualities.
It’s also IMPOSSIBLE to understand before experiencing it the idea that some people are superior, in their essence. That’s what “nobles” are. They were chosen by God because they’re above everyone else. You may join them but you can never become one, because you were not born chosen, all you can do is try to be accepted and tolerated (I can’t explain it myself but the whole concept that all humans were created equal is the opposite of the whole concept of monarchy).
We all think we know what it means but really none of us can.
I did think Harry expressed a lot of affection for his grandmother.


Yes, I think they both just talked themselves into complete irrelevance. I don’t think the British public will be sympathetic to them at all. And who knew Harry was so inarticulate. He could hardly formulate an answer without long pauses and being prompted.

The answers were so evasive. They didn’t even answer ‘when is the baby due’ without evasion. She could have said April or May. Instead she said ‘summer’.

I also don’t believe that if they had told the press there would be a photo op of bringing Archie home from the hospital, the press wouldn’t have been there. On the one hand, they said they were being hounded by the press and on the other hand seemed hurt that no photos were taken of them leaving the hospital like William and Kate. Doesn’t make sense.

And her dress looked like she’d been hit by a bird with diarrhea.


Prince Philip may not (or may) be racist, but there can be no denying that he comes across a bit like Drunk Uncle at times. Consider these past bon mots:

If you stay here much longer you will all be slitty-eyed

It looks as if it was put in by an Indian

The Philippines must be half-empty as you’re all here running the NHS

Right or wrong, I see comments from Prince Phillip as being a person of his times. As I see my mil who makes comments I cringe at. Does not make them right, at all.

The person who made the comments to Prince Harry about thinking about how dark his children’s skin might be, came from a younger person, a person who should know better. That’s why they were so upset. That’s my opinion

I think if those comments came from a man in his 90’s, you could brush them off as a person of his age who’s filter is not there anymore. Oprah made it very clear that it was not Prince Phillip or the Queen.

The other thing Oprah disclosed is that she was surprised not that the comment was made, but that Harry and Meghan chose to disclose it. It’s a very incendiary comment.

I’d like to have clarification if as Meghan said, that these comments were made while she was pregnant. Or if as Harry said, that they were made before they became engaged.


By not disclosing who made the remark they effectively smeared the entire family (except the Queen and Philip) as racists. And they know none of them can defend themselves against the smear. What sort of people talk about their own family that way?


Lots of people. They just don’t do interviews about it on National TV.


I don’t see what the interview accomplished. They aren’t going back to the UK, they aren’t getting more money from The Firm, they already have their Netflix and Spotify contracts. The people who already liked them still like them and I don’t think the interview made them more likeable to those who already don’t like them.


Wouldn’t it be worse if the comment was made by a courtier, because that meant s/he was comfortable making such comment in front of the most inner circle of the Royal family and had some idea how they all would react?

The ones appearing on Jerry Springer. :sweat_smile: