Biggest problems with the Common App?

<p>What do you think are the Common App's biggest flaws and what do you like about the Common App?</p>

<p>Flaw: listing your extracurriculars and whatever. That section. It sucks</p>

<p>^ What he said. Otherwise I don’t really have any qualms with the Common App, other than the fact that it couldn’t find my parents’ undergraduate colleges in India. I wasn’t really expecting it to though :)</p>

<p>1.) Activities Section. I can’t delete an “extracurricular” if I find something more important that I forgot to mention. I also hate how everything is belittled. So many clubs like MUN and YaG can be thrown under “Student Politics” while Science National Honor Society and National Math Honor Society would go simply as “Science/Math.” </p>

<p>2.) Demographics section doesn’t have my primary language spoken at home. </p>

<p>3.) CEEB codes for foreign colleges/universities aren’t there, but it’s not too much of a pain to manually input information.</p>

<p>4.) The Preview button is practically worthless since almost everything is cut off. </p>

<p>5.) Help section is vague and only answers a limited number of questions.</p>

<p>1) A lot of the spaces can’t fit what they need to fit. Even the names of my parents’ jobs were cut off in the preview, and they’re not long job titles or anything.</p>

<p>2) As mentioned before, the Activities section kind of fails. I think there should be a box meant specifically for naming what the activity itself is, so people don’t have to wonder whether to put that in the “Details and Accomplishments” or “Honors or Position” space. Also, I think it would be helpful if you could use a dragging system in order to change the order of the activities (since they’re supposed to be in order of importance) or put one in between two. I’ve seen lots of websites with that kind of feature and it shouldn’t be too hard to code.</p>

<p>3) Another quip with the preview–some sections seem really squished, like the ACT scores.</p>

<p>4) As said before as well, CEEB codes for foreign universities. It wouldn’t bother me as much if it didn’t cut off half the name of the school when I manually input it</p>

<p>And that’s all… xD</p>