bike or no bike?!

<p>Hey! I'm gonna be going to Berkeley next year, I just applied for housing and all of my options are units 1,2 or 3. I was just windering if people generally bike there to campus(since all the units are couple blocks away) or walking will do. And what is the average time it takes you to get to your class? Thanks a lot :) can't wait to finally move out from my parents house and live ib dorms!!</p>

<p>There are a large amount of bicyclists (I’m one of them), but most people just walk as it takes 10min to get from the units to most classes on southside.</p>

<p>The people who have bikes tend to live a few more blocks away, where the walk would be 25min. That said, it is nice to be able to get between classes on opposite sides of campus under 3min.</p>