Bike recommendations?

I’d like to get my daughter a bike for campus to get around campus and maybe go on bike rides, etc. Any advice on style/type of bike for campus?

I know to get a U lock. BTDT, had my nice bike stolen the first month on campus myself back in the 80s. :slight_smile:

What types of bikes are most practical/common/stylish for a young woman on campus? She’s not generally very athletic or, but is quite fit from hiking/outdoors stuff and she loves the outdoors, so biking might actually be something she’d enjoy if she had a nice bike and access to nice places to ride it, so I’m leaning towards a HardTail 29’er for versatility . . . but if it’s a really bad idea to have a “nice” bike for commuting, then maybe I should reconsider that. I sort of lean towards her having a decent bike to encourage her checking out local trails, etc, and being open to group rides, etc.

Any suggestions?

Oh, also, how about a basket for the bike? Do girls use those at all? I thought it’d be very handy. Any recommendations?

She’ll be living in Ridgecrest. I assume there are bike racks outside. I know she could (sneak) take her bike to her room (which is what I did in college, as anyone else with a nice bike also did), but are there covered racks in the dorm area, too, for storing the bike out of the weather without taking up dorm room space?

I would NOT get something like a $500 bicycle. Something fairly simple, maybe 3 speeds (if they still make those). Years ago, I had the racing handle bars and carried my stuff in a backpack. I have no idea what’s cool now! Yes, there are bike racks at the dorms and classrooms. I believe Target and WalMart offer very reasonably priced bicycles that they will assemble for you. She might want to have a wrench and some pliars for simple repairs. I think Tuscaloosa has at least one high-end bike shop…it used to be on the Strip until fairly recently.

Commuting with a 29’er is going to be a pain, those big knobby tires make the bike slow. A 24" bike would offer trail capability, but still be ok for commuting.

An inexpensive bike and expensive lock. DS puts his bike in his room over long breaks. Register the bike with campus traffic/parking office as soon as possible. Some students like to carry their stuff in backpacks others use baskets or racks mounted on the bike. Seems to be a personal preference.

DS actually took two bikes - a cheap Walmart bike for daily commuting and uses it all the time. RCE & RCW has a covered area to hang bicycles. RCS has a couple of racks that are usually fairly full. The second bike is a nicer mountain bike and he goes on the trails on the weekends. He keeps that one in his room. RCE & RCW also have a closet in the hall that, if agreeable to the other roommates, can be used to store a bicycle. RCS does not have the storage closet. He just uses a backpack to carry his books.

DS bought a used Trek bike at a yard sale. Looks like a “beater bike” but is really very nice -just well used. He rides it to class almost everyday. Also - make sure to get lights for the bike for riding after dark.

Great suggestion about the lights. Extra reflectors are good, but lights are even better.

Think durable! Many of the curbs are not sloped and tough on a bike.