
<p>How useful are bikes on campus? Do a lot of kids use them? Are there places to park/lock? Is theft a problem? I guess one advantage of a snow-free campus is the ability to use a bike year round. That’s an alien thought to this northern dweller.</p>

<p>Im from nj and I just visited the campus. There a bikes everywhere. Ill probably end up with one.</p>

<p>My son doesn’t like riding bikes but has said he’s going to bring his little blue scooter (from middle school LOL!) to scoot around campus. I ‘think’ he’s kidding…(I can’t be sure, though, because it does sound like something he would do!)</p>

<p>My daughter plans on bringing her bike. We will be visiting again next week, so we will take notice of bike racks, etc. Ideally, she wants a Vespa! Not gonna happen…</p>

<p>After being at Bama a few weeks, D ended up buying a bike. She used it a lot last semester, not quite as much this semester but she is glad to have it.</p>

<p>If you want my opinion, bikes after walking, are the best way to get around campus. There are bike racks available by every residence house and some racks are stacked vertically and are in a covered area. You will need to lock your bike but that is just common sense. You can always take your bike into your suite, some room mates make that arrangement with each other but that takes up space. You can always keep your bike in your own room of course.
Even if you had a Vespa or motorcycle, you can not park readily on campus. You can park your own vehicle (with permit) but you cannot drive from class to class.
The intent is to continue to close off vehicular traffic from the campus to insure a walkable /bikeable campus.
Bikes do need to be registered if you don’t want them removed.</p>

<p>Students will benefit from this “unplanned exercise” .</p>

<p>Ohio mom piping in with two of my boys experiences. First son at UA flew to AL his first year. He bought a cheap bike at Walmart (roommate with truck helped him get to and from the store). The bike kept breaking and was exchanged and upgraded at least three times. At the end of his freshman year, he donated it to a bike program for local kids. Second year he invested in a high quality bike which he purchased at a downtown bike shop. It is still in great shape and even with a car on campus, uses his bike daily.
Younger son learned from older brothers experience. He too purchased a good bike and is very glad he did.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure my daughter bought her bike at that same store. She was very pleased with the help she received in choosing a bike.</p>

<p>Funny that this thread came up just after I returned from visiting DD this week. I was amazed at the full bike racks outside Ridgecrest South. Some were even tethered to trees! I didn’t see a lot of riders, though.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure my DD has avoided the freshman 15 with all the walking she does. She hates that walk up the hill to the dorm!</p>

<p>Freshman son initially balked at having a bike as he felt walking or the shuttle was sufficient. We did arrange for him to get a bike this semester and he is admittedly glad he has it now. It is so much easier for him to get to the rec center, the strip, etc and he enjoys the change of pace from walking. He keeps his bike in his dorm room.<br>
All this walking, biking, rec center has caused him to drop about 30 lbs since August which I would have never thought he needed to lose. I bought him all new pants/jeans in December and those are now too big!</p>

<p>My son didn’t take a bike and didn’t think he needed one. (He does have a car.). This semester he bought a bike. He too bought a nice bike from the downtown bike shop. He is so happy he has a bike now…well, prior to the mono diagnosis.</p>

<p>How is your son doing, crimsonmom?</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>My D uses her bike often, especially to get to the rec center and far ends of the campus. </p>

<p>DO invest in a good lock. Last year D’s bike seat was stolen when she left it on the rack outside Riverside North. She now has a lock that wraps around the seat.</p>

<p>When we dropped son off freshman year, we looked for a bike at Walmart and Target and quickly realized that he needed a better quality bike than what the stores were selling. He bought one from the bike store on Hackberry Lane and uses it frequently. </p>

<p>As need arose, he later added front and back fenders to minimize mud from splattering on his pants and a bike cargo rack for carrying back groceries from Publix or packages from Paty. He also has a sturdy lock and brings his bike inside the suite for the night. He has also registered his bike.</p>

<p>Between walking, his bike, and the Crimson Ride he’s pretty much covered with his transportation needs. He does not want a car on campus as he thinks it’s more trouble than it’s worth. We signed him up for Zipcar for the rare occasion he may need one.</p>

<p>Bikes are great, especially for students who like to go “green” as much as possible. For safety’s sake might I put in a bid for wearing a helmet. Listen , I know most kids would prefer to avoid this but I think that if they have one, they may just use it. </p>

<p>Also it is “Goofy Looking” but a bike or motorcycle helmet is recommended during Tornadoes.
Here is a link into some research and recommendations:
[Alabama</a> tornadoes: Helmets provide inexpensive storm protection, UAB researchers say |](<a href=“]Alabama”>Alabama tornadoes: Helmets provide inexpensive storm protection, UAB researchers say -</p>

<p>Better safe…</p>

<p>For those who aren’t sure whether they’d use a bike, the UA offers bike rentals for a very modest price. I believe it is through the Rec center. Seems like a good way to try it out before making a major purchase if undecided.</p>

<p>Aren’t the bikes by the dorms free to use? don’t you just swipe your Action card and go?</p>

<p>Umm…not sure which ones you’re talking about. The bikes in the racks by the dorms are personal bikes and rentals as far as I am aware, but hey, I could be mistaken. I’m only familiar with Bama Bikes which is $5.00 for up to one month’s rental. I’ll check the website. I know Regions Bank donated those green bikes you often see around campus.</p>

<p>I guess I’m confused. At one time, Bama said that they were going to set up some bike kiosks around campus that kids could swipe their Action cards and use…I think there was supposed to be a small annual fee to register for participation. Maybe I’m thinking of something else.</p>

<p>It’s possible you are correct too. My D hasn’t used one of them, I just read about it on the website earlier. She doesn’t have experience riding with traffic and I was afraid I would receive a call they were scraping her off the front of a bus since they share the same lane…Lol. She does better on foot or by car.</p>