Billing & Dorm Questions

<p>My S has his dorm room assigned, his schedule confirmed and has chosen his parking option. Does anyone know when we start paying for dorms and meal plans. I've seen where we can select a meal plan, but can we wait on this until a few days before or should we buy the meal plan now? I know the tuition and fees show up on the student billing about the time school starts, but what about the dorm bill?</p>

<p>You should have your son select his meal plan by August 1 or A&M will select the “Good Bull 300 Plan” for him… You do not pay for the meal plan now. It will go in your son’s statement. Some billing items arrive faster than others. I have learned to wait until you have to pay the bill because new items in the past, seem to be hitting the bill at different times. Just when we thought we paid the bill, a new item/fee appears the next day. </p>

<p>Don’t forget about the payment plan. It is really easy to use and they charge only a nominal fee for it. It was a lifesaver for us in budgeting out the costs.</p>