Billing Question

<p>On D’s bill, tuition is split into two parts, a base of $5,350 and a surcharge of $8,065. The two add up to $13,415, which is more than I thought tuition was. I don’t really care because the Presidential is listed in the amount of $13,415 and offsets it completely - it’s more a matter of curiosity - how did they come up with that number?</p>

<p>That is interesting…my S’s bill shows $4975 (which I was assuming was instate) and then a surcharge of $7470 (which I thought was the OOS portion).<br>
Again it makes no difference as his Presidential Scholarship is listed as the total of $12,445.<br>
S is taking 17 hours is your D taking 18? since the difference is $970? and I think that is 1 OOS credit hour?</p>

<p>If you are taking more than 16 hours, there is an overload fee per hour of $375.00 for undergraduate students. </p>

FALL 2012 or SPRING 2013 </p>

<p>Undergraduate Campus rates</p>

<p>(All undergraduate students except those admitted to the Gadsden Campus or in a Distance Degree Program.)</p>

<p>Full Time Rates - per semester</p>

<p>Resident student (12-16 hours) $4,600.00</p>

<p>Non Resident Student (12-16 hours) $11,475.00</p>

<p>Enrolled hours over 16 are assessed an overload fee per hour of $375.00 for undergraduate residents and $970.00 for undergraduate nonresidents.</p>

<p>Yes, the amounts are instate plus OOS tuition. And, yes, there are add’l costs for more than 16 credit hours. But, as you’ve indicated, your scholarship is covering those extra costs and extra credit hours.</p>

<p>If son has outside scholarships that are more than the net 1st semester billable costs (after UA tuition scholarship applied), will these extra scholarship funds just sit there and be applied for 2nd semester costs? Do I need to notify anyone with instructions to just have them sit there untouched? I’ll call FA office, but thought someone might know…</p>


<p>DS also received a private scholarship that will result (when first semester is tallied) in, according to someone at the scholarship office, a check being cut to us. (I <em>still</em> can’t believe it!) The terms of the private require that the total funds be paid to the college, but (according to scholarship guy) that means that any UA scholarship amount that is not used gets refunded to us. That was several months ago - hope it’s still true!</p>

<p>And congrats again on his awesome scholarship. I was thinking of him the other day when I was buying K-cups for DS’s dorm - “Rocket Fuel”. (Dark roast.)</p>

<p>Just make sure you understand whether or not those scholarship funds become taxable if not used for qualified college expenses.</p>

<p>My son’s bill looks ok except the engineering scholarship is not showing up as a credit. Does anyone know when this will appear? Thanks!</p>

<p>i think the bill is kind of confusing.</p>

<p>i don’t think i see the 2500 engineering scholarship either.</p>

<p>My son’s engineering scholarship and emerging scholarship are both there. He is a second year student. I had questions last year and the office was very helpful. I would give them a call next week if you all stilll have problems.</p>

<p>I meant to save emerging scholars scholarship</p>

<p>Last year when my S was a Freshman the Engineering Scholarship and Emerging Scholars Scholarship were the last to be posted. I may be wrong, but I don’t think they posted until after classes started.</p>

<p>Right now, since my S is a Sophomore, my bill shows a Total Account Balance and underneath that has a Projected Credits line which includes the anticipated credit for the Engineering scholarship. Under that is the projected Account Balance. The projected account balance is all I have to pay to confirm the schedule. </p>

<p>We haven’t received the actual credit for the Engineering scholarship yet just the anticipated credit amount. I’m sure you will receive the Engineering scholarship soon and there is nothing to worry about.</p>

<p>The Engineering scholarship or anticipated credit will only show up as a $1,250 credit for the Fall semester and you will receive the other $1,250 in the Spring.</p>

<p>Engineering is not showing for us either. Guess we will give them a call next week.</p>

<p>Engineering is not showing for me either, and it has disappeared from my financial aid award summary. Has this happened to anyone else?</p>

<p>aeromom/NRDMOM – we were told same thing in regards to scholarships on top of presidential - we aren’t arguing either - it was recommended to us to set up a direct deposit, which we did through mybama.</p>

<p>It looks like incoming Freshman Engineering and outside scholarships are not yet posted (same here) so here’s hoping they pop up next week.</p>

<p>“extra money” that is in one’s acct after all Fall bills is sent home in a check or is put in a direct deposit acct. It’s not held til spring.</p>

<p>What about the NMF 1k stipend? I don’t see it anywhere.</p>

<p>I can’t remember from last year when it showed. It is only $500 per semester. I know that it was credited in early September and D received the amount by direct deposit. But because she already had excess scholarship money, I can’t remember if it was listed this early under expected credits. Guess not.</p>

<p>The NMF stipend is routed through the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (even though the money comes from the University) and isn’t applied until the student starts attending class in the fall and the spring. The NMF stipend shows up a few weeks in to the semester (both for fall and spring). For my daughter it hasn’t ever been listed in “anticipated funds” at the bottom of her student bill so during her freshman year this left her with a small balance after all of her scholarships were applied as of the payment deadline. We paid that balance and then when the NMF money came through, the University refunded our payment to the credit card we used to make the payment.</p>