Bing or out-of-state State School?

Hey guys! I got into Binghamton and I am struggling with whether I should go or not. I have gotten in Maryland, Indiana, Penn State, and Delaware as well. I want to double major in Criminology and Psychology. I want a big, sporty, spirited school and Binghamton isn’t exactly what I was looking for socially wise, but is it just as good as the others academically? I’m having a hard time passing up the opportunity to save money- though we are well off enough to pay for the other state schools. Just wondering if by going to the State Schools I would get a better education, or just be spending too much.

Why does it have to be a state school? How about Syracuse?

Well, binghamton definitely doesn’t fit in with what you want. It’s sort of big but there is very little in the way of sports or school spirit unfortunately. You say you want to study criminology but that isn’t offered at all at binghamton either. Albany is also in state and actually has a really good criminal justice department so that might be a better fit. As for social life, syracuse is an option but unfortunately you won’t find what you are looking for in the suny system.

Syracuse is too expensive for me :frowning:

Did u run Syracuse’s NPC to see how much FA you potentially could get?