Binge watched tv shows

Told H last night that our next binge will be The Crown as we have only watched a bit of it.


I really enjoyed it. I found it helpful, though, to find a Google search after each episode to see what pars were true.


Do you know if itā€™s based on John Krakauerā€™s book with the same title and is it on a streaming service or cable?

Yes, it is based on John Krakauerā€™s book and is streaming on Hulu - it was on our short list to watch, but H chose Black Bird instead, which was very good.

It is based on the book but does not follow it entirely. I enjoyed it.

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Will try McDonald&Dodds!

Am watching Shetland - I remember watching it during lockdown, the sea, the sad music, the lonely cloth in the wind on the fence. Itā€™s a peaceful and sad experience at the same time.
Not sure why, not as invested in it as before, but still watching to see if Jimmy will have a happy exit or what + Tosh (Iā€™d been so disappointed to see she doesnā€™t exist in the novels when I read them!)

Rewatched all of Happy Valley in preparation for S3 arriving this Fall. What a dark show, but I appreciate how morality is portrayed. I also like that the main character is a great leader, excellent at her job, a good person, and isnā€™t a mess in her private life (sheā€™s sad, sheā€™s conflicted, sheā€™s pig headed, but sheā€™s not a caricature). I also appreciate how various classes are presented with nuance and care. I did notice there were a few threads left dangling at the end of S2.
Ryan will be 17 now? I wonder if heā€™ll be finishing GCSEā€™s or what will have become of him. Ryan as a 7-yo was a terror, I wonder what heā€™d be like as a teenager, still on the same path or changed or worse. I canā€™t think of another show where the child character is such a realistic problem child that is also lovable even as you want to wash your hands of him :cry: :grimacing:

Does anyone have anything less dark than Happy Valley to recommend?

Weā€™ll find out soon. The season finale airs on BBC tomorrow.

I have to agree though; this has been a disappointing season.

Yep, tomorrowā€¦ end of Shetland as we know it (though, as RadioTimes says, Silent Witness managed to switch leads and have 20-odd seasonsā€¦) :upside_down_face: JK: I donā€™t see it at all!

And not the same quality, but Death in Paradise has switched leads twice and has endured for 11 seasons.

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I am really enjoying Sex Education (Netflix).


Great series. Iā€™m looking forward to season 4

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Happy Valley has a season 3 coming out? I watched that show when the series originally came out years ago! Thatā€™s quite a long break between seasons. I guess I assumed it hadnā€™t been renewed. Iā€™m going to have to rewatch Season 1 and 2 since I donā€™t remember any of it other than I liked it!

Iā€™ve become a fan of Sarah Lancashire from Happy Valley. She was so believable in the character.

Iā€™d like you to try Brokenwood Murder Mysteries on Roku channel and Acorn TV. It is very good Kiwi murder mystery. It is light-hearted and well done. .

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Finished up re-watching the original Gossip Girl series. I forgot how silly and fun this show was and just how much it showcased NYC. They used to film regularly by D1ā€™s dorm on the UES and I would often get pictures and videos from her.

Now I am watching Gilmore Girls again. This was the show D2 and I always watched together. D2 has recently decided to make a change and is moving from San Diego to Los Angeles so I am feeling a bit nostalgic and this is a show that gives me all the great feels.

Shetland has ended, long live Shetland! A season 8 has been announced :slight_smile: and itā€™ll be without Jimmy - not giving away anything. :slight_smile:
This season did feel ā€œpaint by the numbersā€ though, they must have wanted to get done and move on to sth else.

Saw an announcement for Crossfire I think, Keeley Hawes, dream vacation with family, then what looks like a terrorist attack at the resort.

Exactly the way I suspected it would. Iā€™m ok with this finale.

DH and I are 6 episodes into Extraordinary Attorney Woo on Netflix. We are enjoying its quirkiness. Itā€™s a great change of pace from the superhero, historical fiction and dystopian shows weā€™ve been watching.

The Korean names and subtitles can be challenging at times (they talk fast!) and the episodes are longer than our usual lunchtime viewing, but we like it a lot. If subtitles arenā€™t your thing I believe theyā€™re working on an English-dubbed version.


Where did you find the final season of Shetland - Britbox is only showing us the first episode of Season 7 ???

Enjoyed Extraordinary Attorney Woo, quite quirky, liked that the court cases move along quickly, often challenging to follow the details, but this show grew on me. I have a special fondness now for whales :grin:


Sounds good. Think Iā€™ll have to watch this!

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