Binge watched tv shows

Enjoying the OA on Netflix right now.

^Me, too. That looks more interesting than stranger things to me. I liked Call Agents! French with subtitles.

I didnā€™t like the new Sherlock very much. What ahve they done to it?

I havenā€™t seen the latest episode, but the first couple I did see left me feeling the same way, I really think they are trying to get people not to watch it by making it unwatchable, so they can kill it off, kind of the way Doyle did when he tried to kill of Sherlock Holmes so he could go on to more ā€˜importantā€™ things. From what I hear, people in the UK hate it as well. I think the show runners got like so many, it is much like Rogue One, they decide they are going to get artsy and deep and ruin what was a fun show or movie doing it.

@Ynotgo my girlfriend said she really liked it, but I noticed only one season is out, I like to wait for moreā€¦ Did you like the pilot?

Just started watching The Night Manager on Amazon Prime. Two episodes in and itā€™s so good!

Really enjoying Frontier, new Netflix series about fur trade in Canada ish in the late 1700s. For historical drama fans especially, starring Jason Mamoa.

@Fishnlines29 Yes, weā€™ve watched about 5 episodes of Travelers so far. Itā€™s interesting, but not super engrossing. (OK to watch 1 or 2 episodes; donā€™t feel the need to binge all the way through quickly.) Looking forward to seeing Eric McCormack in the promised 9th season of Will & Grace.

Victoria on PBSā€¦mehā€¦ episode 1.
On a side note, Masterpiece in 2017 will have Dark Angel starring Joanne Frogatt from Downton Abbey as a Victorian serial killer.
Young Pope on HBOā€¦you can easily catch up, only 2 episodes in.
Episode 3 tonite and episode 4 Monday nite.
Jude Law, glad to see you in a meaty role.

My daughter and I watched the first episode of The OA Saturday night. I may or may not watch another one. Very little about the first episode was engaging. The writers and producers of this one should get a tutorial from the guys behind Stranger Things.

We finished season 2 of Bloodline tonight. OMG. I canā€™t stand that there is only one more season and who knows when it will be out.

After finishing, we started Stranger Things. Iā€™m intrigued. H, not yet. Iā€™ll watch more without him if he doesnā€™t want to keep going.

Sort of disappointed in Victoria, just watch Pilot last night. I will give it a few more episodes.

Sort of disappointed in Homeland.

Carrieā€™s first UGLY cry last night to properly launch the new season.
Glad to see Max, even in a babysitting roleā€¦looking more and more like Matthew Perry.

Victoria dancing with Sir John made my skin crawl.
Throwing herself at Lord Mā€¦again.
Stop girlfriendā€¦how many times does he have to turn you down?
Itā€™s getting cringe-worthy.

Well I watched all of Frontier and was very sorry that there were only 6 episodes this season - not enough!

@OHMomof2, I started episode one of Frontier last night (after reading you were watching it). I think it is right up my alley.

@beerme , thanks for posting that - I kept trying to figure out who he reminded me of all throughout the episode!

I started watching the Netflix Lemony Snickett series yesterday. I love it!

@patsmomā€¦ Could Quinn BE more tragicā€¦?

Can someone remind me again, who is Max? Was he in last season? And what is his current life? Waiting around for Carrie to call so he can spend 15 hours in the basement while her daughter seems to be alone upstairs?
I mean, I love HL but just curious. Hope this wasnā€™t too spoil-y. Tell me if it was.

Wiki ā€œCast of Homelandā€ and you will get who Max is.
He was first brought in to help his cousin Virgil in surveillance and whatever Carrie needed in covert operations.
He and Fara, a Persian CIA analyst had an unrequited love that was poignantā€¦no more or spoiler alert needed.
Glad to see him backā€¦maybe as a love interest for Carrie???
Probably notā€¦