Binghamton 2021 Deferred EA to RD thread

Comment below your stats or if you hear back from Binghamton after being deferred!

Son was deferred early on, still waiting to hear

Son was deferred early on. Still waiting.
GPA 3.0
SAT 1370

Geneseo came today, just waiting for Bing, Ugh.

Deferred from EA January 6th
3.7 UW GPA
1310 Combined SAT
5 AP Courses
2 jobs, varsity athlete, debate club state champ

Was accepted to Harpur yesterday, got my email at 7pm as seems to be the norm. Good luck everyone.

still waiting

losing hope here. My son got accepted to American and every other school he applied to and Bing will likely be his rejection. UGH

I wouldn’t give up hope @Doberlady. I think they are still sitting on many RD applications, including my S. I still have hope that he will be accepted, and if your S was accepted to Geneseo, there’s a good chance he will be accepted to Bing.

I am losing hope, however, that my S would attend Bing even if accepted. At this point, he has no chance of honors, scholars, or merit money at Bing. His current favorite, Virginia Tech, is rolling out the red carpet for him with Honors College, merit-aid, letters, phone calls, and the Galileo LLC which will support him in engineering. VT’s beautiful campus and strong school spirit isn’t hurting their cause either.

With the merit-aid, VT will end up costing about 3k/yr more than Bing. I see no reason why 3k/yr would sway him (or me) toward a school that has, thus far, shown no interest in him.

But there’s always hope.

Best of luck!

American is out of our price range. My son would really like to go there but he appreciates and understands the thought of no debt. But I’d sure like to be able to tell him he can attend AU. To be honest, I didn’t think he’d get in as he applied RD and they admit 85% of class through ED.

Unfortunately as we all know, money doesn’t grow on trees and no one needs 200k debt. His plans include law school. I think the money would be better spent there.

Bing would be his #1 choice. I don’t think he would be happy at Geneseo. My daughter is there and it’s pretty boring

still waiting :frowning:

decisions are posted…

My son received an offer of the Advantage Program

S waitlisted.

We’ll move on.

big blow to my son :frowning:

For those of you put on the wait list, like my S, here is some historical data…

Number of applicants offered a wait list spot
Number of applicants offered admission from the wait list
Percent offered admission from the wait list






So there is some hope.

Keep in mind that Bing doesn’t offer info on how many applicants accepted a spot on the wait list. So the percent offered admission is probably a bit misleading, but I thought the info would be helpful.

First off, I am sorry that your son was placed on the waitlist. I have to imagine the number of applicants increased dramatically this year. 33k last year could be 35k this year. I tend to agree with your analysis and suspect that at least half to two-thirds (or more) students offered spots on the waitlist withdraw their applications. It may be as high as three-quarters. Who knows? That would mean the acceptance rate is 2-4 times higher. So, 6.7% could mean 20% or more.

I am NOT telling anyone what to do. However, if a student really wants to attend, the student could always pay a deposit elsewhere and then enroll at Binghamton if taken off the waitlist between now and July/August. The few hundred dollar loss would be quickly forgotten.

@itsajoke Thanks for your thoughts. S is moving on. Thankfully, he has some good options.