Binghamton Advantage Program: NOT WORTH IT!

Hi guys. Last year in April I was offered a spot in the Binghamton Advantage Program. The Binghamton Advantage Program, for those of you who don’t know, is a Binghamton program where you get to live on the Binghamton campus but you have to take classes at Broome Community College. I gladly accepted this offer, but now I am regretting that and would like to share my experience.

I thought that it was a blessing that I was accepted into the BAP program, as Binghamton is so “selective.” Well the truth is, it’s awful to have to go to Broome Community College every day, especially when they tell you at accepted students day that as a BAP student you “JUST missed the mark.” At Binghamton, most of the kids are snobby Cornell rejects, and look down upon you for being in BAP. Even if they don’t say anything, you can tell that they do. Also, although I have a car, traveling to and from Broome is a pain in the butt. I assume it is much worse for people who have to take the bus every day, considering how temperamental the buses from Broome to Bing are. I have met some wonderful people at Binghamton, but I can’t help resenting the school for putting me in this program. Everyone in the BAP program hates it and is constantly complaining. And the administration really doesn’t care about BAP students… at all!

Not to mention, all of my classes at BCC are not challenging, and because of that, it has significantly diminished my work ethic and determination. It is because of all of these reasons that I am transferring out.

Even though it’s early for me to say this because these decisions don’t usually go out until April, I just wanted to share my mid-year BAP experience with you all. Good luck.

Thanks for sharing your experience

@Mooswag where would you want to transfer to??

Thanks for sharing your experience; however, other SUNY Community Colleges also have similar programs - study 1 to 2 years at CC then guaranteed to transfer to the 4-years schools. My kids had great experience with these transfer programs.