Binghamton Advantage Program or another college?

I got accepted into the Binghamton Advantage Program but I also got accepted to Oneonta. I would like to pursue a teaching degree. I loved Binghamton when I went there. So I don’t know what to do.

There are quite a few threads about the advantage program on this site. Read up on Broome Community College if you are considering the Advantage program because that is the program you have been accepted to.

Hey @Mooswag , current engineering BAP student here.

First off, @lostaccount has a good point, check out the other post and forums discussing BAP, they’re all pretty good.

Secondly, your dilemma. What I would and will tell potential BAP students now is this, consider the school you want written on your diploma. If you really want (and you should, you’ll understand in a bit) the name of Binghamton University on your undergrad diploma, you should accept the BAP offer. I say this because as long as you meet the BAP transfer requirements, which aren’t really that hard to satisfy, you’re guaranteed to transfer directly into your Binghamton school of choice with every credit you took at BCC. The guaranteed transfer thing is important because some schools at BU are really tough to transfer into (i.e. SOM) and also it’s not uncommon to see schools not accept transfer credits. And the part about Binghamton’s name on your diploma; one of my main reasons for choosing the BAP program was so that I would be able to attend and graduate from a great school; Binghamton’s reputation is growing incredibly fast with numerous networks and large amounts of connections providing great opportunities.

I personally don’t know much about the reputation/general opinion about teaching programs at either but I’m sure you know the school with a better reputation/record for their respective teaching program along with connections to industry/student opportunities.

Hoped this help, good luck deciding!

Actually When Binghamton was smaller and was really Harpur College its reputation was better than the other SUNYs. That’s really changed. Stony Brook and others have become stronger.