Binghamton Advantage Program?

<p>Hey guys, I’m currently in the Binghamton Advantage Program, and to be honest, if you’re interested in an Engineering path, don’t do this to yourself. I can’t speak for the other majors in BAP, but the differences in engineering courses between BCC and BU are incredible. For example, BU students work on Arduino projects and reverse engineering home appliances freshman year while BAP students draw 3 dimensional boxes and play with K’Nex. The only other insight is that I have is don’t go CS either. I have some close friends in the program with me who are CS majors and all they tell me is that they hate CS now due to the courses they’re taking. I found out that as an EE major I’m taking a more rigorous computer programming course than they are.</p>

<p>Academics aside, the difference between BAP students and regular BU students is non-existent. I think that the only examples of differences between us is that A) we take classes at BCC, they don’t B) we take a bus to classes, they don’t and C) when people ask you what school you’re in (Watson, Harpur, Decker, etc…), you have to explain that you’re in BAP. And that’s really it to be honest. I have a lot of regular BU friends, BAP friends, and even townie friends who I wouldn’t have met else wise.</p>

<p>And one last difference that I just remembered about BAP students and regular BU students is that for some reason a lot of BAP students pledge Greek life compared to BU students. I know one frat who has more BAP students than regular BU students in their pledge class. I still don’t understand this, but whatever, not my cup of tea.</p>

<p>Please don’t let my post scare you from BAP, do your homework and check out all your options, talk to friends and most importantly talk to current BAP students.</p>

<p>Good luck deciding!</p>