Binghamton Advantage vs U at Buffalo vs Albany

Got accepted at binghamton earlier but with the advantage program that makes me go to community college nearby for 1 year and then guarantees transfer the next year pending good grades. Not really leaning towards Albany and also heard good things about UB. Also currently wait-listed at Stony Brook so doubt I’ll go there. But yeah, what is the best place to go? I’m shooting for a computer science major and engineering in general.

FWIW - UB is ranked higher than Bing in both engineering and computer science in the US News grad school ratings.

The advantage program has you paying university prices for community college. If you are considering the Advantage program you should be reading all you can about BCC. Read about the scholarship there and compare it to Albany and UB. You should not be comparing those schools to academics at Binghamton because that is not what they are offering you. The students in your classes will be BCC students not Binghamton students.

I’d love someone from admissions to comment on why a student who is fully capable of doing well in rigorous courses in a 4 year university should consider spending a year or 2 at community college. Can you comment if you are a admissions counselor or staff member? Otherwise it looks like a way to fill Bighamton’s expensive dorms while short changing talented students by sending them down to community college.

JayDee, you should google advantage program and engineering. Someone commented about the difference between community college and Binghamton’s classes for engineering last year or the year before.

yeah. Thought about it earlier and scrapping Bing advantage. No way am I paying binghamton tuition to attend community college especially since UB looks more appealing to me and is superior engineering wise. Thanks for the replies guys.

Short of lacking other reasonable alternatives, makes no sense for a college ready student to go to the community college Advantage Program unless they live at home and save money. NY should be encouraging community college students who are successful to go to a 4 year school, not force those who are already capable and ready for a 4 year school to go to community college. That is backwards.