Binghamton EA deferral to RD 2023

Who else is waiting on Binghamton Regular Decision? My daughter has a unweighted 97 average, 5 APs, 2 SUPA (though Syracuse University) and 2 SUNY Oswego, decent ECs including leadership roles. She applied EA on 10/27 and was deferred to RD on 1/10. She applied to Harpur as an English major. She has been accepted to Stony Brook, Geneseo, Cortland and Oswego, all with merit, and offered honors at Cortland and Oswego so far. Waiting for honors at SB and Geneseo. I hope she still has a shot at Bing! I heard that there were 42k applications this year. I’d love to see who else is waiting and their stats. Good luck to all!!

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Waiting again. My son for Harpur. 98.7, 4 college, multiple AP, 3 clubs, advance band, lifeguard job. Got accepted to SUNY Albany Honors College with decent merit but of course loves Bing.

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Are you in State?

I know some RDs are hearing back…both in state and out. BUT…I still don’t understand how RD applicants are hearing back before EA deferred applicants. Seems unfair

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I really think the whole EA think was pretty much nonexistent this year for Binghamton ( except for small majority of applicants they were able to read). With over 50k applicants coming in (42k during EA), there was no way they were going to get through everyone in time which is why the majority of applicants were kicked to RD. An admissions person said these were not true “deferrals”, they just could not get through that number of EA applicants with a “holistic” approach they claim to use. What they should have done was reviewed the pool of EA applicants priority and kicked out decisions but that didn’t happen. At least with the majority of students I know that were EA and still haven’t heard. (and all very high stats). Time will tell! But many of them have already moved past Binghamton (lost interest) and are committing to other competitive schools so it all ends up working out in the end :slight_smile:


Yes, we and quite a few others we know moved on from Bing a while back. Just a mess down there and the impending closing of Broome Community College and assimilation by Bing is going to really make things diluted, uncertain and a housing mess in our opinion. We are still waiting on a couple of ivy next week but got in U Rochester with decent FA last week which is a far higher rated school than Bing in so many ways but also considering a good Buffalo Honor program offer with merit. So no reason to really even have Bing on the list anymore. Most we know are going to Buffalo Honors now and were just disgusted with the Bing process, or lack thereof.

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I am of the same opinion as you. It almost feels like a lottery at this point. There was a mass wave of waitlists that went out yesterday. I don’t understand how schools like NYU/BU/Lehigh/Brandeis and many, many others are capable of giving a definitive release date and with Bing it is so random. If they want to be on the same level as those schools, then they need to up their admissions game and refine their process. They are multiple steps behind in efficiency.

To the moderators reading this post…this is not a “hate thread” towards Bing nor are we bitter (still waiting for a response from Bing to be honest) as my kid got into far more competitive schools with far lower acceptance rates. This rant is to express my opinion (and I am sure of many others) at how mismanaged and how poorly this was all handled by Bing. Makes one wonder if the rest of the services they offer are subpar as well.

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@briana3000- we are in the same boat. You mentioned a mass wave of waitlists went out yesterday? Do you know if people heard via email alert or is Binghamton just posting updates randomly on their portal? We still haven’t heard yet (deferred from EA). Would imagine we would hear this next week if they are sticking to their April 1 date however if Admissions reps are still reading apps, who knows? We know many people in our school still waiting to hear that were moved from EA.

It is just Bing posting updates…from those that I asked and read about no portal updates went out. People randomly checked and found out.

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I think my D23 got an email the day after that she got in (and not to check her portal) back in January for EA. However, towards the end she was checking right after 7pm most weekdays.