Binghamton Fall 2017 Transfer

Hey everyone! I just wanted to start a thread for people who were hoping to transfer to Bing for Fall of 2017. People should post stats and their decisions! Also, for anyone has been through the transfer process in the past, if you could please answer any questions us hopeful future transfers have, that’d be greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

That said, I applied to CCPA and was wondering if anyone did in the past. And if so, when was the earliest time people heard back regarding their decision? I also applied using the SUNY App and was wondering if that would hurt me since I did not submit any recs or essays. Thank you for your help!

I posted this in the general admissions thread, but I’ll post it again here as I am a transfer. I got my regular decision acceptance to Harpur on January 19th, ten days after I completed my application.
High School GPA: 3.52
First Semester GPA: 3.81 (at University at Buffalo)
Old SAT: 1980
Extra-curriculars HS: Officer of Enviro Club, member of Drama Club, member of GSA, Quiz Bowl
Extra-curriculars college: Debate Society, Circle K, College Democrats

Current School: Suffolk County Community College
GPA through 18 credits: 3.9, all A’s except for a B+
Also have 6 college credits through SUNY Farmingdale with an A for 3, and a B+ for the other 3
Prerequisites: Microeconomics: A , Macroeconomics: A, Statistics: A, Calc: Have not taken yet
I currently have a total of 24 credits, enough so I do not need to send in my high school transcript.

I applied through SUNY App as well, and sent my transcript there to be redistributed to Bing, UAlbany, and UBuffalo. I applied to Bing SOM on 1/17/2017 and my transcripts were received on 1/27. I did not write an essay either.

Decision: Have not been notified yet

Did you get told to submit course progress report.

No response yet. They sent me an email suggesting I talk to an admissions counselor for me to tell her about myself and vice versa, and to ask any questions I have. Tried calling twice now, voicemail. I’m going to email later today.

I’m assuming if they tell me to submit a course progress report, they will give me a date to submit it or wait a few weeks to tell me to submit one considering I’m in only in my second week of spring semester.

They told me to submit my by the end of February. My spring semester does not start until February 6th.

When I spoke with the counselor today, it turns out the 6 college credits I received through Farmingdale don’t count toward the 24, so now I need to send in my HS transcript and test scores. @iqbalm How many college credits do you have completed?

I had 30 college credits from taking college classes in high school. In my fall semester i took 18 and in spring i am taking 18.

Are you sending in your HS transcript and scores? I did not think I had to (was told by UAlbany that the college credits from HS counted towards the 24) but was told today by Bing that they do not count towards the 24, however, they do accept them once I am admitted.

I already sent my scores and high school transcript in the beginning of Jan

How is that if you do not mind me asking? The reason I am concerned about my HS transcript and scores is because they are both abysmal and do not reflect my college work at all. The counselor I spoke to over the phone said they focus primarily on college work, however, will still look at HS transcript and may ask me to provide a progress report for my Spring semester which id be fine with, but afraid it could get me denied

Work really hard in your Spring Semester. May I ask what you want to major in. I am applied for Decker School of Nursing. I did good in my fall semester and took a chemistry class off campus which I got a A+ in.

My Spring Semester should be close to what it was first semester. I’ll be ever so grateful if they make my admissions based upon a Course Progress Report. I applied for School of Management.

Does anyone know when they will start sending out decisions? I already got into University at Albany for Atmospheric Science. My GPA is 2.60 and still shocked about how I got accepted. I know Binghamton will be harder to get in, but does anyone know what date or month will hear back? I applied for Chemistry.

@NASA2014 Hopefully soon… last year decisions started rolling out on 2/9 according to old threads so fingers crossed this month

Do they email you?

Do they tell you in the letter of acceptance if you got a scholarship?

It will say on your status checker and you get a emai.

I got an email today saying that i was invited to go to the school to hear about their academic programs and campus life stuff. Does that mean anything or does everyone get that?