Binghamton Orientation

For orientation do you have to stay the whole time from 7AM-6PM? Or do you just got between those times for a few hours?


A good place to start skipping class-before you start college? What is the minimal amount you have to attend to get credit? Can it be shorter? How about extra credit for staying seated when everyone else gets up to get coffee? Just kidding you but that is a mentality you may encounter.

^ ?? That seems really unnecessarily rude, why the attitude? It seemed like OP was asking whether or not he should plan to do things in the middle of the orientation activities for the day. OP I went to the August session so I think it was a little different, but I remember everything was not in one solid block- there was some time in between things to do family things and walk around. But I’m not sure if it’s different during the summer sessions with the different timing.

How did you find out what time orientation ends of the first day? I’ve been trying to find out since I can’t stay in the dorms overnight. I have to drive two hours home so I’m trying to figure out what time orientation ends on the first day and if I can leave early.

You will be done around 5:30-6:30 if this is the transfer orientation. You can leave as soon as you finish registering for classes which starts at that time.

I didn’t attend my orientation and they didn’t do anything to me - I just had to sign up for classes 4 days before classes start. So I’m sure you can miss a few hours. Class sign up seems to be the most important thing, so I would say just make sure you go to that.

Alternatively, you can just skip it and save some money.