Binghamton Transfer- Fall 2016

Hello! I’m currently a sophomore at a SUNY community college that is looking to transfer to Binghamton University for the fall 2016 semester. I originally attended a different college freshman year on a baseball scholarship, my first semester was tough, but my last two have been a lot better. I got a 4.0 last semester at my community college and am currently around a 2.8 or a 2.9 GPA.

I recently just finished an internship with United States Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and plan on sending a letter of recommendation from her office. I am applying to Binghamton’s Human Development program under the College of Community and Public Affairs.

I understand that my GPA is a little on the low side but I am curious what my chances are. Any feedback is encouraged!

I’m looking to transfer as well. They do say on the site that a 3.0 is preferred. I’m applying to Harpur I have a 3.13. (I have a pretty bad first semester, I took a break for a few years, came back and did really well).

I think the they will primarily look at the most recent course work. If you have a consistent upward trend, I think that will be taken into account. Good luck!

Best of luck to you too! I hope they notice the upward trend, I want to ask them if I can send a mid semester grade report of my recent classes

Hey everyone! I’m applying to Harpur. I’m a sophomore at Liberty University, with a 3.8 over 62 credits. I’m on a scholarship here through my schools honors program, and am involved in weekly community service. Really hoping to get into Bing. I’m also a NY resident.

Being that it’s rolling admission–anyone get any replies?

I haven’t heard of anyone getting a reply yet. In the thread from last year most people heard in late March.

I submitted my application in early February and heard back on February 9th (accepted!). Best of luck to everyone who applied, I know how stressful transfer apps are

@jwagtransfer which school did you apply to?

Harpur @Karategirl431993

I applied January and heard back on the 9th as well (accepted) ! and I applied to Harpur so good luck to everyone hopefully you guys will hear back soon as well!!

Thanks guys! I applied on February 6th. Still waiting on a reply!

Have you heard anything from Bing yet?

@Karategirl431993 ^^

@jwagtransfer May I ask what your credentials were? They wasted no time with you!

@UnionBlue I submitted my app in November but haven’t heard anything yet. I applied to Decker so I’m not really surprised.

Ahh, ok. Thanks! Harpur for me.

Accepted! :slight_smile:

Same here! Got accepted to Harpur!

@UnionBlue @karakoo Congrats!

We should start a fall 2016 transfer Facebook group! I can’t seem to find one and I wanna get to know you guys!

Hey guys congratulation on everyone that got in :slight_smile: Did anyone get accepted into Decker School of Nursing? If so what was your GPA? I recently applied to DSON and I’m very nervous >.<