Binghamton Transfers Fall 2015?

Have any students interested in transferring to Binghamton heard anything back? My status checker still says “Complete and Ready for Review.” I just want to know!!! Thanks :((

Anyone??? Im going insane

My status checker says “decision made” and I can pay my deposit for the fall. I applied to Harpur.

@Mbsoccer‌ Hey, what were you stats? I applied to Harpur as well but I didn’t hear back.

Hi! I applied at the end of Feb. and my status changed to “decision made” last week. I got an email saying I was accepted a day or 2 after my status changed. It basically took about a month for me to find out. Good luck!

@lissyd73‌ You applied Feb?? I applied November and I still haven’t heard or seen anything change… Congrats on getting accepted!!!I applied to Decker, so maybe that’s why mine is taking longer.

@Mbsoccer‌ Congrats on getting in!! That’s so exciting!

In highschool I had a 3.8 GPA, 4.0 weighted. Took a couple APs, a few SUPA courses, and many honors classes.
I got an 1870 on the SAT. My college GPA was really low, like a 2.75, but I started out in Bioengineering and recently decided to change to Biology.

I got my decision on Thursday via e-mail. Applied to SOM but was deferred to Harpur :frowning:

2140 SAT, 3.2 GPA at BostonU, 93+ HS GPA

I applied end of February and just got my acceptance last week on the 25th. Well best of luck.

I got all of my application materials in by Feb. 24th, and found out almost exactly a month later. I hope you find out soon!! Waiting is the worst :frowning: And thanks! I applied to Harpur, so that might be why I found out earlier.

@stressedoutchild‌ Are you kidding?? I heard SOM has been really crazy selective this year… Atleast you got into Harpur, congrats!

@alibaba9‌ Congrats!! That’s so nice to know you’re in. I just wanna hear back already :((

@lissyd73‌ That’s so awesome for you though! Hopefully the process ends soon for me!

I applied to SOM in late February as well. Status still says “complete ready for review”. Made a thread about it here actually:

I can pay me deposit. Still waiting for official word.

@bgillz‌ congrats man to what school?

@GabekingSG Harpur. I am a pre business major but decided to apply undeclared to finish gen eds and then transfer within the university. For spring.

@bgillz‌ ahh ok, I applied directly to SOM so many so my chances aren’t as great lol

Wish I was kidding @emamazing :(. Guess I’ll try to intra-transfer into SOM. I’m sure your result should come soon. Won’t be long now.