Binghamton U Harpur Fast track MBA vs. Smeal College at Penn state

<p>I got accepted by Binghamton's Harpur College fast track MBA program which means I'll study at Harpur for four years then at School of Management for the last year. I also got into the Smeal College of Business undergraduate program on University Park campus Penn State University. Which one has the better value or which one is just simply better than another? I'm an international student. I apologize if there is any grammar mistakes or awkward wording. I'm also on the waitlist of Washington University in St. Louis and Boston College. Any advice? Please throw in opinions and ideas, I really need some help here. Oh, sorry I want to major in business management. Thank you.</p>

<p>If you chose to go to Binghamton over Penn State you would regret it for the rest of your life…
Penn St is an amazing college, and has an awesome ‘campus life’… I always regreted not going there. I visited many times, and loved every second I was there. I know 3 people who went there and they are all doing well, and claim that there degree held major name recognition. That is something that I suffer from; having a SUNY degree and living on the west coast.
I went to a SUNY school, and they really aren’t that great. And, Binghamton is a big dump, to put in mildly.</p>