Binghamton University Class of 2020 Decisions

Hey everyone! You know the score, post your stats, extracurriculars, etc. and your admissions decision as well as the college you got into. Good luck!

Does anyone know when the first decisions will be coming out?

@jgalls I believe January 15th

so…anyone an ops student? I am not, so my chances of getting accepted are quite slim…

I think EA applicants are supposed to hear BY January 15th but some will hear BEFORE Then. Looks like last year applicants started receiving notifications starting in mid December.

Decision: Accepted to Harpur College of Arts and Sciences


SAT I (breakdown): 2200 (700 CR, 700 M, 800 W) <-- Didn’t send
ACT: 34 (35 E, 34 M, 34 R, 33 S, 32 E/W)
SAT II: 770 World History, 710 Chemistry
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0 (4.36 weighted)
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): Top 10% (decile only)
AP (place score in parenthesis): World History (5), English Language & Composition (5), US History (5), Chemistry (4)
Senior Year Course Load: AP Bio, AP Gov, AP Psych, AP Calc BC, AP English Lit, Latin II, Creative Comp, Gym
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): National Merit Semifinalist, AP w/Honors, NHS


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Psychology Club (Secretary 11th, President 12th), Astrology Club (President 10th, 11th, 12th), School literary magazine, Advanced Hebrew classes
Job/Work Experience: Panera Bread (12th), Biology tutor (12th), Taught Hebrew School (11th)
Volunteer/Community service: Homework Helper with NHS (11th)
Summer Activities: Emory Pre-College (12th), Gettysburg College Camp Psych (11th)
Essays: 9.5/10, worked with consultant
Teacher Recommendation: 9.5/10, teacher who sponsors both clubs I lead, knows me very well
Counselor Rec: 9/10


State (if domestic applicant): PA
Intended major(s): Integrated Neuroscience
School Type: Suburban public
Ethnicity: White (Jewish)
Gender: Female
Income Bracket: 250,000+


Strengths: GPA, scores, APs, course load
Weaknesses: Community service, demonstrated interest
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: I’m well above the academic profile for Binghamton, so I s’pose that’s why they admitted me (especially so early!!)

General Comments: Totally surprised that I heard back so early. SUNY Binghamton is my safety school, so the acceptance isn’t really lifechanging, but since it was my first acceptance so far, it’s nice to know I’m at going to college now! Good luck to the other EA applicants; hopefully you’ll hear back soon! :slight_smile:

Last Year, Early Action (EA) decisions were released in two batches (which differed from prior years when all EA decisions were released at one time). The first batch was released on December 11 or 12 (only accepted applicants, those with the highest stats heard) and then again around January 10 (most of the rest of the Early Action applicants were deferred then). The deferred EA applicants started receiving final decisions around March 6 and decisions continued to be released daily until April 1. From the poster above it appears that EA decisions this year are beginning a week earlier than last year! Good luck to all EA applicants!

@behavneuronerd Amazing stats! Good job girl and thanks for sharing

Accepted to the school of management!! GPA: 3.68 (UW out of 4.0) SAT: 1900 (680 M, 610 CR and W). From New Jersey at a competitive private school that doesn’t rank.

Decision: Accepted to Harpur College of Arts and Sciences


SAT I (breakdown): 2180 (740 CR, 770 M, 690 W)
SAT II: 800 Math II, 750 Chemistry
Unweighted GPA (out of 100) 91
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): Top 10%
AP (place score in parenthesis): English Language & Composition (5), US History (4),
Senior Year Course Load: AP Bio, AP Euro, AP Calc AB, AP English Lit, Modern Hebrew 4,Computer Science. 3 Judaic courses from my double curriculum
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): PSAT Commended Scholar, NHS, Rensselear Medalist


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Founder and President of Chess club (11-12 grade) Student Council Project Coordinator (12 Grade)
Job/Work Experience: Private chess tutor (9-12 Grade)
Volunteer/Community service: Youth Prayer service leader (9-12 Grade)
Essays: 8.5
Teacher Recommendation: 9/10
Counselor Rec: 9/10


State (if domestic applicant): MA
Intended major(s): Biology
School Type: Private Religious
Ethnicity: White (Jewish)
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: 75,000


Strengths: standardized testing scores, double curriculum, recommendations
Weaknesses: GPA, demonstrated interest
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: My strengths outweigh the weaknesses

Congrats to all acceptances. How did you hear by email or by mail? My D is waiting to hear and her stats are very similar to behaveneuronerd

D received vague email saying “there have been updates to your application.” When she clicked through the email, she landed on a congrats you have been accepted page. Strange way of announcing an acceptance.

Nice job but are all the early accepted students out of state?

I haven’t seen any in state kids getting accepted yet

I checked my daughter’s high school Naviance and nobody in-state has indicated an acceptance yet. And she reports that none of her 1000-plus Facebook “friends” have posted any announcements of acceptances to Binghamton yet. So my guess is decisions will be made in-state by this Friday. Last year the first wave of EA decisions in-state occurred around Friday dec 10. This board lit up with hundreds of posts last year after decisions were posted, which hasn’t happened yet.

My daughter’s high school Naviance shows about 50 students applying with no one indicating an acceptance as well. . Hopefully they will let everyone know on Friday.

I’m in-state, so there goes the Friday theory. Here’s some of my abbreviated stats-

Decision: Accepted to The Watson School of Engineering


SAT I (breakdown): 2160 (750 CR, 700 M, 710 W) <-- Didn’t send
ACT: 34 (34 E, 34 M, 35 R, 33 S, 31 E/W)

Unweighted GPA- idk out of 4, but 96%
Rank- 32/366 so top 8%
AP (place score in parenthesis): World History (5), English Language & Composition (5), US History (5), Physics 1 (4)

State- NY
Intended major(s):
School Type: Suburban public
Ethnicity: White (Catholic)
Gender: Female

Essay: 8ish/10 ? I worked with neighbor who’s an English teacher. Did a lot of research before writing so I feel like it was pretty strong.

General Comments: I was took totally by surprise by this decision- wasn’t it expecting until January!!! This was my most competitive safety, so I’m glad to have some stress taken away. Good luck to everyone else who applied!!

Those of you accepted already, when did you apply?

@Redhawkmom Oct 20th, I think

i applied on october 29th … i’m from new york and was just accepted into Harpur!
my act is a 35, gpa is a 96%, and i have many extracurriculars. this is my first acceptance so i’m very excited!
i just received an email notifying me that there was an update to my application… followed the link to my account and saw the congratulations note. good luck to everyone!!