Is it weird that my application status HAS not changed since when I first applied? I don’t even have the “complete and ready for review” status. Should I call them tomorrow and see what is up?
My S doesn’t either^
But nothing appears to be missing.
Yeah same for me I had everything in November 9th.
@jordanb123 nope you have nothing to worry about! Mine still said “application submitted” up until my acceptance. It said nothing about being under for review.
My daughter was also deferred at Harpur and accepted EA in the College of Community and Public Affairs. She is a bit disappointed because Harpur was her first choice and she is not very interested in the college she was accepted into. Does she have a chance of getting accepted at Harpur with RD? Should she accept and try to transfer next year? Any advice?
@whozitnow what were your daughter’s stats?
I am in the same boat as @whozitnow so I thought I would give you my Daughters stats. thanks for the help/.
1880 - SAT - 95.3 weighted GPA. Strong course load & very good extracurricular. Thanks again.
88 GPA from top specialized public HS in NYC
AP and Honors classes
750CR; 650M
Solid ECs
Strong Essay (IMHO)
Those are good stats. Mine aren’t as good as those, but I’m still waiting to hear from School of Managament, I applied EA.
Do you think theyll send any today?
I hope so!
nothing here for today!
Would they have been sent at 4 if I was to get it today?
I just got my acceptance for Harpur! 93 weighted average, 1990 sat (720 CR 570 Math 700 Writing) NY resident attending private NJ high school. Unless Fordham pulls through with some incredible financial aid package I will most likely be attending.
ACCEPTED!!! Harpur
90.420 uw, 1400/2090 SAT, NY resident (large public long island high school)
Good luck to anyone still waiting!
D just got her acceptance letter to Decker school of nursing. Very excited as nursing school acceptance rate is < 5%! Stats 3.55 u-gpa and 2100 SAT, very competitive high school in Westchester county-NY, some extra-curricular activities and couple college classes at local community college. Good luck to everyone!
got in to harpur with 96 average and 1920 SAT
Congratualtions @ObamaHasMyVCR @XanthineDH and @zonumh! The wait is over for you!
So happy for everyone who got their acceptance! Congrats! Has anyone heard from Watson? Still waiting here.
S was accepted to Harpur. 4.0/34.