Did anyone get accepted to Decker School of nursing so far?Our daughter applied EA on 10/13 and the wait is driving us crazy ! 8-} Her stats are UW-GPA 3.55, SAT 2100, some college classes, extremely demanding HS in Westchester. NY
My twin sister and I are also waiting on Decker. We’re in NYC. I think they’re really just going by location right now?
@nursing2020ny are you EA or ED?
@trackmbe3 Wow, that is interesting. Thanks!
My daughter also applied the the Decker School of nursing. Her gpa is 4.0 unweighted lots of extra curriculars. Mostly honors and AP classes. Can’t remember her SAT score but it wasn’t bad. She applied early October. She applied EA. We are dying to know if she got in. It doesn’t look like anyone from Decker heard yet. What other schools did the nursing students apply to?
Sorry, duh, EA.
one person at my daughter’s school has heard and was accepted. Apparently the rest have not heard. Could this be random rather than by location? Or maybe this person’s scores were just so above the rest that they had to let her in early.
i heard a rumor from a friend that at her school they seemed to be going alphabetically. but just a rumor so most likely not true
@pjohoo98 I mean, my friend who got in’s last name starts with a B. Mine starts with a T, but I doubt there’s any truth to that.
I haven’t seen anyone get accepted that had a last name before I in the alphabet and a 33 on the act. And I know about 10 kids that have gotten in…I think it’s the top students in the first half of the alphabet, but I could be wrong…
yea i was questioning it but she was convinced it was happening and we are from long island NY
I’m just so anxious for a letter
Aren’t we already at the date where Binghamton sent a wave of EA acceptances last year? Why isn’t anyone saying they received them yesterday or today?
can everyone say the first letter of their last name and whether or not their decisions have been released so that we can see if they are really going in alphabetical order
I really don’t think it’s going by alphabetical order. The admission counselors each have a “territory” like Long Island, NYC, Upstate NY, New England etc. I think its going more by geographic location and moving down from top applicants. I am surprised that we didnt see alot of acceptances posting here yesterday and today.
I agree it’s probably territory. So far only 1 person out of 50 students has received a decision at my D high school. Could be an athletic recruit.
Im in NYC and sent my EA app on 11/14 (the day before EA apps were due). I have yet to hear back from them. Do you guys think they send out acceptances earlier if you applied earlier?
@loveyounot I don’t think decisions this year are based on when you applied. There are people who applied as early as September and still haven’t heard back, as there are people who applied the night of November 15th and have gotten accepted. As stated above, I believe they’re going by geographic location, so keep an eye out for when other people in your area get accepted.
Nevertheless, good luck! I’m also waiting on a decision from Binghamton. Hope the odds are in our favor.
has anyone from long island heard anything yet?
@pjohoo98, I’m from LI. Nobody in my school has heard yet, but a few people in my district’s other HS have heard. Not a lot though, and we usually have 100+ students apply from each HS. So don’t worry, it will come.