Binghamton University Class of 2021 Decisions

S just was accepted into engineering school. Anyone know when you find out about merit $ and scholars/honors invites?

Moderator can you please combine this and the Fall 2017 thread?

Accepted into school of management
33 ACT
98 GPA

My S was accepted into engineering school. Nice to have found out so early.

Admissions told me today that honors program invites are included with the acceptance notice. Seems strange. Did anyone receive an honors program invite with their online acceptance letter/notice?

Did they maybe mean the mailed acceptance letter?

My older daughter is in the scholars program at Binghamton ( my younger daughter is waiting to hear on admissions). Anyway, she got admission to the Scholars program about a month after she was accepted to the school, sometime in January. Maybe they do it differently this year.

My younger daughter is waiting to hear on her status. Is it a bad sign that she hasn’t heard yet? My older daughter was notified by mail but that was two years ago and I know they do it online now. Should she be freaked out, because she is!!

I asked if honors invites would be sent by mail and the woman at admissions said she didn’t know. She only said that honors invites would be included with the acceptance letter. We haven’t received the acceptance by mail yet, only the online letter, and I don’t know if they plan to send acceptance letter by mail as well. If anyone has any information on this please share. Thanks

If I applied on October 23rd and still haven’t received a decision, that doesn’t mean I haven’t gotten in, right?

@435star I don’t think it means you’re not in. I’ve talked to 3 people that have gotten in. They are some of the smartest kids in the grade (34/35 ACT for two of them) so I’m assuming they only sent out acceptance to those with the highest stats. At least I hope because I haven’t gotten a decision yet.

I called admission office this morning regarding my daughters application status. I was told a decision was made and to refer to the status checker. There is no new information on the status checker . And the admissions office will not tell me anything other than to check the website…UGH

And it seems that unless you get an email alerting you to a change, it’s pointless to check.

Does anyone know when they are releasing the next round of acceptances?

Scholar invites go out in january

@laurclassof2021 I was going through last year’s thread and I noticed acceptances were in intervals of seven days and then I found out that they released some every Friday so I would look for some more during the end of next week.

Is anyone else seeing that the Binghamton Portal is down? I’ve checked the past 2 days and both days it has been down.

My status checker is not down

@srocky11 Okay thank you! Not sure what going on… maybe is my computer or something else…

So when do we think the next acceptances will be released? :slight_smile: