Binghamton University Class of 2021 Decisions

@GMKoon hope you make it

@Jsaun5 Thanks!

My son is still waiting too. Hang in there!

Just got into Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science!

UW: 3.8 W: 4.2
SAT: 1400
Math: 720 CR: 680
ACT: 30
Math lvl II SAT: 730
Chem SAT: 650
AP: Bio, Chem(3), English Language(4), USH(4)
EC: student government, music, tutoring, theatre, etc.

Congrats @nhardin2!

did you hear back today? @nhardin2

Yeah they sent me an email about an updated application status around 7:30PM @decemberbaby12

@nhardin2 and you’re in?

There is no such thing as male intuition. But, I would expect a flood of decisions tonight.

^7:00pm sharp!


good luck to us all :slight_smile:

decisions are being released tonight?

If you hear back tonight it means that you were rejected?

where did you hear that @sciencegeek888 ???


There’s no official announcement!

It’s just the intuition of @itsajoke

See above.

I think they have been sending them out bit by bit. Our house received an email, yesterday I think, late afternoon (before 5) that their portal was updated. Good Luck to all!

Sorry I posted. As STEM said, just a hunch.

Last year, the pattern was Friday nights. It is now one week before the deadline. I am shocked they have waited this long. So, my gut tells me ton of decisions tonight. I just can’t imagine they will want to release so many decisions a day or two before April 1.

I have been wrong before.

is anyone still waiting for any other school? we are down to Bing and SB. My son hated SB so if he doesn’t get Bing he will attend Geneseo most likely.

S accepted to U Buffalo w/honors and SB w/o honors. Waiting on Bing Watson.