<p>I'm trying to decide which one to take. I'm a freshman and my advisor said instead of 26 i should go with 103 bc its better prep for mcat/better lab work etc... but the professor (Dong) doesn't have very good reveiws :/. What do you all think? How difficult is 103/26?</p>
<p>i hear its not that bad - and thats from a classical studies major, so make of that what you will. </p>
<p>look up the office of assessment or something for trinity and they have more detailed reviews that may be helpful to you</p>
<p>thanks sillyface :)</p>
<p>well, according to ratemyprof, it's actually not that bad. Plus, it's probably one of the easier bio labs at Duke, which you will need for premed.</p>
<p>Well, if you’re not a biology major and are just premed, it’s not relevant to anything you need to know–it won’t be on the MCAT or anything. It’s required for biology majors, though, and I hear it’s not too bad, so you might as well take it now if you are a biology major.</p>
<p>You should not take bio classes solely to prepare for MCATs, take a Kaplan course or something. </p>
<p>The biology requirement in the premed curriculum is put in place so that all medical school applicants have sufficient exposure to the basic concepts and techniques in the field before entering medical school. Of course, having learned the stuff on the MCAT in a class is helpful, but the stuff is just as easily learned in a prep class or on one’s own time. This class is often recommended for premed students because it is usually one of only a handful of bio lab courses offered and it is generally offered every semester. Seeing as how 1 year of bio lab is a requirement for premeds, this class is actually a good idea.</p>
<p>Thanks for the advice SBR!
Okay now I’m facing another dilemma the ONLY writing 20 class that I like is completely full now (writing about medicine with p. Case) and I’m not sure which one to do now. Any suggestions?</p>
<p>suggestions=easy writing 20 courses</p>
<p>I am BME/PreMed sophomore and I want to take Bio 103L or Bio 151L spring semester, but both of them have a long wait list. If I don’t get it, can I still take MCAT this summer without these two courses? SBR mentioned that one can learn MCAT material thru prep class or on their own. Will it be harder? Is it a good idea to take MCAT in the summer anyway? And if I only have one space for Bio, which one is better to take?</p>
<p>I think most people take the MCAT after their junior year anyway…besides, i think Bio 118 and 119 are better for MCAT prep</p>
<p>Not really, I’m in bio 118 right now and it is way too detailed for the MCATs. Sure, the basic concepts of genetics and molecular biology might be on the test, but a significant portion of the class goes into much more detail. To take Bio118 for MCAT prep would be like getting a Ferrari to commute to work.</p>
<p>^ lol (10)</p>
<p>Thanks, godevil2011 and SBR.</p>
<p>Bio 103/151 still have long waitlist. I don’t think I will have a spot. So far I have AP Bio credit and took Bio 118, will finish 2 Orgos and Physics 61/62 by spring semester, do you think I am somewhat prepared for MCAT without Bio 103/151? Can you tell me the pros and cons for taking MCAT at sophomore summer? Would you recommend one taking Kaplan review in the summer? Thanks.</p>
<p>Can anyone give their opinion on Psych 91 (bio basis of behavior)?</p>