Bio 1A before 1B?

<p>I'll be a sophomore this fall, and I'll be taking Chem 3B over the summer.
So for this fall, would it be better to sign up for Bio 1B or Bio 1A?
I know 1B is easier material, but is Bio 1A manageable if I've never taken a bio class before (except a non-AP high school class). </p>

<p>Will the material from 1b be useful for succeeding in 1a? Or are they unrelated?</p>

<p>I want to take 1A in the fall because I've heard it's much better than taking it during spring.
Also, what is challenging about these two classes? Is there just too much to memorize or is there some organic chemistry (stereochemistry&reactions) involved?
Thanks a lot.</p>

<p>organic chemistry is mostly useless in 1A/L. There are a few uses, but not that many.</p>

<p>The order you take the classes does not matter.</p>

<p>Anyways, yea, take 1A/L in Fall and 1B in Spring</p>

<p>doesnt matter which bio u take first. I also recommend it in the fall. I think the lab is what is more of a challenge as it is different from what people are normally used to (lab practicals in 1A versus none in 1B, weekly lab quizzes, meighan as a fast-paced speaker…). Nonetheless, the labs were all very interesting and useful. The Lecture portion of the course isnt that bad.</p>

<p>I’m scared because i never took bio before. am i screwed and behind already?</p>

<p>Is there really a huge difference between taking Bio 1A/1AL in the fall versus in the spring (i.e. is it comparable to the difference between chem 1A in the fall vs. chem 1a in the spring)?</p>

<p>For 1AL there is no difference, for 1A I recall reading that they give more As and less Cs in Fall</p>

o.O = = o rly</p>

<p>Is Meighan the only Bio 1A professor for spring and fall? Everything I’m reading about him makes me want to take this class less and less -_-</p>

<p>yes sir /\o/&lt;/p>