Bio & Arts of T-town

<p>S was able to get into Honors Bio today, yay. although this is with Guy Caldwell, not Kim. Is he good, his ratings were not quite at the level of Kim’s? I don’t believe she is teaching Honors Bio this semester, but she is teaching Principles. S was going to take that MWF 9 am, but Arts of Tuscaloosa has a Friday lecture from 9-9:50 am so that eliminates any MWF 9 am class. Odd times for the class Tues aft from 3:30-4:45 & friday 9-9:50 am- so it basically impacts mwf classes and tues/thurs. He will keep looking for better times I guess for that class.</p>

<p>S is a super night owl and I assumed he would want late classes, but i think he’s got 9 or 10 ams everyday now that he has tweaked his schedule again. He said he wanted to be done earlier in the day instead of having labs and stuff until 8 or 9 pm. So now he only has one class that goes until 4:45 with some days done by 2 pm. He makes a good point, who wants to go out again at 6 PM for a lab particularly in the winter or when friends are heading to dinner. He wasn’t able to do much about football Fridays though, since he can’t do the 9 am Bio he has the 1-1:50. </p>

<p>They haven’t posted the prof’s for spanish or math, but not much he can do about those anyway.</p>

<p>The Caldwells are amazing, and they’re both great profs. </p>

<p>Guy Caldwell had good ratings on ratemyprof</p>

<p>[GuyCaldwell</a> - University of Alabama -](<a href=“]GuyCaldwell”>Guy Caldwell at University of Alabama | Rate My Professors)</p>

<p>But, be aware…it’s not going to be an easy class. His students are often the best bio and pre-med students.</p>

<p>He wasn’t able to do much about football Fridays though,</p>

<p>I’m not sure what your concern is. Games are on Saturdays. :)</p>

<p>Several posts today about how the weekend starts at noon on Friday of homegame weekends :wink: I think it was nj & aphim.</p>

<p>Oh no on honors bio. I thought the honors classes weren’t necessarily any harder than the regular classes. It might either convince him he’s on the right track with premed or convince him he doesn’t want to do it. Hmmm</p>

<p>Maybe he should try for the 9 am Principles of Bio with Kim, but he has 10 am spanish not sure how close it is and he would have to find a new Arts of T-town.</p>

<p>I would stick with the honors bio. I was talked out of taking it my first semester by advisors who said not to take two science classes with labs at the same time, but now i wish i would have, because I know I could have handled them both.</p>

<p>I know someone who took honors bio last year, she said that Prof Caldwell said that “he didnt believe that honors students should be penalized with a harder class.” She also said that he is her favorite teacher and his class was her favorite class. </p>

<p>I would go for it!</p>

<p>hey! i think i might know that last poster!! : )</p>

<p>Getting done at 1:50 on Friday isn’t too bad. And if your son isn’t going greek then it won’t matter as much anyway. It’s just hard for some to concentrate because they know their friends have started partying in the afternoon for the big weekend. I’d equate it to the spring fever feeling some get in high school the first time the weather hits 80.</p>

<p>I scheduled all my classes one semester on T/R just because I knew I’d be hung over on Friday after the Thursday night swaps and I’d need monday off to recover from the weekend parties. Needless to say I never won any academic achievement awards while at UA :-)</p>

<p>My comment on classes after noon on Game weekend Fridays was simply due to the fact my DD mentioned that there were some “pre-game” activities that might start a little early if you know what I mean…so was just passing that along. NJ am i right? Also Frats will have band parties on Friday nights and some people I happen to know usually take a nap so they can be social late into the evening :slight_smile: (Swaps on Thursday nights can run quite late…makes for a long Friday).</p>

<p>Mike…I think I know her, too. ;)</p>

<p>And, I agree with Katie…</p>

<p>I didn’t mean to suggest that it would be “harder” because it’s honors, I meant that it will be a serious class. </p>

<p>Getting done at 1:50 on Friday isn’t too bad</p>

<p>That’s what I was thinking. I know that there can be pep rallies and such on Fridays, but aren’t they at night?</p>

<p>ahpimommy and I are talking more about Friday afternoon lawn parties and such. The partying starts early on game weekends, especially amongst the greek set. </p>

<p>You’ll see a lot of fraternities break out the grill, roll out the speakers on the front lawn or back patio, and maybe pop open a beverage or two starting around noon on Friday. Then it’s nap time from 5 - 8 and then time to get ready for that night’s band party.</p>

<p>God I miss college, and nap time :-)</p>

<p>I have met with both the Dr’s Caldwell and toured their lab. They are very personable and extremely interesting. Their classes did sound intriguing but my son did not take any intro Bio classes, so I cannot say how difficult those classes might be. However, I would imagine they are not “easy”.</p>

<p>I think he will be ok (where is the look to heaven smiley face). As long as it is interesting S should be engaged. I am a little concerned about the 9 am Friday Arts of T-town lecture, maybe another session will open up later.
With 18 credits of honors needed it will be nice for him to get 8 out of the way first semester.</p>