Bio core

I’m a freshman student pursuing a microbiology major while being premed. I am interested in applying to the bio core program for my biology classes. I have a roughly 3.6 gpa my first semester. Would I be a competitive applicant? And what are the stats averages for accepted bio core students?

I looked it up on the UW website just now. They still have the same 4 courses (updated for content of course) I took 3 of eons ago (I was a chemistry major and not interested in one of them). The application process is new since my day and likely reflects increased demand and limited available spaces. Look at the required chemistry courses. I suspect doing well in those will reflect on your ability to handle the material (grading not on a curve per the website). Your overall gpa may reflect taking courses outside your comfort zone- bravo for not just playing it safe. However, you should be strong in sciences to handle science Honors courses. How well you can do will depend in part on your interest- it is a lot easier to study things you actively like. From the tone of the website’s FAQs I would not obsess over the essay.

You have nothing to lose by applying. If the supply/demand numbers do not work in your favor go ahead with other biology courses. Do not worry about how it will look on a medical school application. I do not think they will have a table of stats for students- there would be too many variables to consider based on which Chemistry and Math were taken, how many credits, etc. Look at how hard your courses have been for you and how many credits you took. A grade of B in a science course is different than a B in a paper writing course. The number of credits for a course can change a gpa.

Bottom line- ignore researching this too much. Have a discussion with your advisor and come up with plans for Biocore and other biology courses. By the middle of next semester you will have a better idea of how well you do in chemistry. Your goals will keep being refined as you take courses. Relax.