
<p>A couple of questions for registration. If you took honors first semester do you have to take honors second semester? Honors is at 9 am. I am seeing Honors as 36 students and regular Bio as 270 in lecture? Am I reading correctly? </p>

<p>Has anyone heard of Benke or Grover Ward for prof’s?</p>

<p>Many, if not most of my friends who are currently taking honors bio are taking the regular section next semester because the honors section starts too early for them.</p>

<p>All the principals of Bio 2 profs have pretty bad ratings on Rate my Prof. The later class, the one S has registered for, has many “worst professor ever”. That is concerning on many levels.</p>

<p>My D had AP credit for bio, but she took first semester Honors Bio anyway to have a class with Dr. Caldwell. Since he’s not teaching Honors Bio next semester, she’s electing not to take the second half and just use her AP credit.</p>

<p>*Since he’s not teaching Honors Bio next semester, she’s electing not to take the second half and just use her AP credit. *</p>

<p>Many pre-health majors elect to use their AP credits for the second semester of Bio since it’s not related to anything medicine. I know that your d isn’t pre-med, but I think she has a genetics research interest or similar?</p>

<p>My kids used their AP Bio credits, but younger son has had to take more bio to cover for his pre-med req’ts. He’s had profs that he’s really liked, so I’ll find out their names. </p>

<p>Be aware that Principal of Bio I and II are pre-med pre-reqs therefore they are weeder classes (which means tests will be hard and A’s will be limited). So, a good number of kids won’t do well and that may be reflecting on the ratings.</p>

<p>Idinct…did you look up the honor bio II profs as well? </p>

<p>Does anyone know why 2 prof names are given for each honors section? Do they have 2 profs teaching that class?</p>

<p>Jennifer Edmonds only has 1 rating and it’s for a different bio class ( a 400 level), so I don’t know if that should be a concern. </p>

<p>Your son must have signed up for Dr. Ward. According to the reviews, his tests are very, very difficult, so maybe your son needs to change to Dr. Edmonds or take the Honors version of Bio II.</p>

<p>Yes, my D wants to go on for a Ph.D. in genetics and do research, although now she’s also getting interested in neurobiology and marine biology.</p>

<p>It just makes her schedule so much easier if she doesn’t take the second half of Bio.</p>

<p>She’ll be a Bio major with a concentration in molecular biology plus now she thinks she’ll double major in marine biology (along with a double minor in music and psychology). She’ll be taking lots of basic classes in summer school locally so she can graduate in 4 years.</p>