Biochem/CS Double Major vs Chem Engineering?


<p>I was originally considering a BioE major for premed, but I've heard that (if I don't make it into med school) jobs for Biomedical Engineering aren't that great. So now I'm considering a chemical engineering major versus a Biochem/CS double major, which I think both have pretty reasonable job markets if medical school doesn't pan out. Does anyone here have any sort of experience with either of these plans or any general thoughts about them?</p>

<p>My son is currently a double major in CS and Biology. If you have any specific questions fire away.</p>

<p>My son just graduated with a ChemE degree and is going to med school this fall. I think it’s better to have a single major rather than a double major if med school is the goal. A double major requires too many classes which can jeopardize your GPA.</p>