Bioeng_premed Cutthroat??

<p>For any UCSD Bioen/Premed: How much hours do you you usually put in a week for work?? Is it really really hard??</p>

<p>i'm not a bio premed major, but at least for the 1st year (maybe 2nd) your cirriculum won't be too much different from other engineers, you're essentially taking the same classes. and because i'm an engineer too, i can tell you that IMO the classes are very manageable, although obviously taking physics/chem/biology can be a little demanding.</p>

<p>im sry but whats IMO</p>

<p>yeah its cut throat in the sciences. math classes are not the beastly classes at this level, it's the science classes that are truly beastly. i'd suggest studying 7 days a week.</p>

<p>IMO = in my opinion</p>

<p>No, it's not cutthroat. It may be hard, but certainly not cutthroat.</p>

<p>Are the higher Math Classes that I must take for this major such as Math 2OF and 20E hard (vector calc and diff. eqtns )?? Cause Math isnt my strong point.</p>

<p>20D is supposed to be relatively difficult; more difficult that E and F, anyway. It depends on your teacher, though - having a good prof makes a big difference in how easy/good the class is.</p>