Biology Courses

<p>If I am pre-med (and without an AP Biology credit), should I take BIL 150 or BIL 151 (with lab) the first semester freshmen year.</p>


<p>BIL 150 is the lecture course, and BIL 151 is the lab. So, you should take both. :)</p>

<p>Second semester, you’ll want BIL 160 + 161, for Evolution and Biodiversity plus the lab.</p>

<p>Ohh ok thanks, I thought they were both classes. Is the lab grade a whole other grade than the lecture course? Also, do you recommend any professors? Thanks!!</p>

<p>Yes, 150 is 4 credits, and 151 is 1 credit, and each has a separate grade. However, grades apply to your GPA relative to the number of credits, so your grade in 151 will influence your GPA 1/4th as much as your grade in 150.</p>

<p>I recommend Dr. Wilson all the way. To this day, he remains my favorite professor at UM. This semester I’ll be a workshop leader in his course for the second year in a row. :)</p>

<p>^I’ve heard mallory is the best bio professor(?) who would you recommend if you’re a hard worker and want a solid A? Ive heard some teachers are hard on purpose and don’t like to give A’s. Is Dr. Wilson like that?</p>

<p>There’s three options for 150: Wilson, Sarkar, and Mallery.</p>

<p>They all cover the same material, and their tests are approximately similar. I’ve tutored people in all three courses, and it’s all about the same.</p>

<p>But lots of my friends who have taken Mallery loved him. I loved Dr. Wilson’s course, completely. I put in a solid effort and got an A+ out of the course (and had the best score on the final exam!)</p>

<p>Check out for reviews, etc. You can also look at course reviews on MyUM.</p>