Biology Major?

I was wondering if anyone could help me better understand the biology majors at UW- Madison. I have the intension of going to medical school, so I am not sure which major would provide me the best background for medical school. I am not sure if the general biology major would or if something more specialized like biochem or molecular biology would be best. Thank you!

Literally any major will do for medical school. Premed is an intention. You need to take the required courses for admission to medical school plus those for your major and any other U requirements. Many major in a science because they like it and many science major requirements also meet medical school admission requirements. That is all you need to do to prepare. The medical school courses will teach you what you need to become a physician. I’m a physician who liked and majored in chemistry eons ago. I took all sorts of nonmedically related classes not only to meet UW breadth requirements but for my own education/fun/interests. These included Art History and Symphony classes which enhanced my ability to understand those arts.

So- choose whichever major, biology or not, that most appeals to you. Once you are at UW you will start with many of the same STEM classes needed for most science majors/medical school. You can change/refine your major as you learn more about them and your interest in them. I know a math major from UW who became a physician- we chemistry majors figured she could finish in 3 years partly because of her brilliance but also because she didn’t have our time consuming labs (my chem friends went to grad schools).

The Honors program has some excellent sequences in math, chemistry, physics and biology (Biocore). Biocore still requires Organic Chemistry and hence would not be a starting course. Look at these and decide if any suit you- ability, interest et al.

Yes, taking courses directly related to medical subjects will give you advanced knowledge but they are not necessary. Use your undergrad time to enrich your education with courses you can’t get later. The reason to choose a biological major is because you actively like it. It will not enhance your chances of medical school acceptance. In fact, majoring in something else makes you more broadly educated and unique.

Finally, look at your major as something leading to a nonphysician career as many/most premeds will not go to medical school. This is because many will change their minds or not do as well in the prerequisite courses as others. Be prepared to do something else you can be passionate about. Your college education is about so much more than entry into medical school.

thank you so much!