biology major

<p>how fun will my life be?</p>

<p>I'm planning on doing a biology major as well....from what i've heard it's quite challenge but at this point I don't have much of a life anyways. :P</p>

<p>Hopefully the weekends will allow for some fun time.</p>

<p>i'm a bio major, and it's a ton of work. the first 2 years are hell because they try to weed people out, since everyone is a bio major their freshman year.
bio is actually pretty easy - but a lot of work and studying, it's the chem that is a killer - for most people.</p>

<p>most of the successful bio majors i know spend their weekends studying instead of partying. you have to pick which is more important to you - and of course after a while you will learn what you can handle.</p>

<p>^ What effect has it had one your GPA overall?</p>

<p>If they weed you out that could really hurt my chances at med-school. Currently I put in about 4 to 5 hours HW and studying average on a weekday and 4-7 hours on a weekend.
I also took the three AP sciences offered in my school but I have no idea if that is a sign of how I will do or not. Chemistry was my weakest subject too. =/</p>

<p>danyellie do you know any pre-meds within the Bio major? Also what sort of grades do the average students get in those science courses? I don't mind coarse load but I'm afraid of going in and then finding out that I just can't handle it or maintain my grades. </p>

<p>Maybe doing an English major wouldn't be a bad idea.</p>

<p>sorry it took me forever to get back to you.
my GPA was about a 3.4 because of it. but you have to remember they do that to everyone. i’m pre-med, so i know it really sucks for medical school. if you want to get higher than a B in your intro classes, it’s going to take a ton of outside studying and you won’t have much time for anything else, especially with a full schedule. you’ll be able to handle it, don’t worry about that. it’s not really hard, it’s just tricky - in that there are only 4 grades for the whole semester. so if you slack off and don’t study for one test it’s really going to kill you. but that’s the deal for most schools, i think.</p>

<p>pre-meds within the bio major usually average about a 3.7 - ish. But they work very hard. regular bio majors get C’s or B’s in the intro classes and average about a 3.2
That’s just what I know and from my friends and the people i’ve met.</p>